The Fiji Times

Plans for cultural centre


ON July 5, 1993, The Fiji Times published an article about the government’s plans for a cultural centre in Suva.

This was stated by then culture minister Ratu Jo Nacola.

He said the setting up of a national auditorium for this purpose would show his ministry’s commitment to cultural developmen­t in Fiji.

While speaking at the opening of the Fiji Indian Cultural Centre’s cultural night, Sitron ki Shaam, at the Suva Civic Centre on July 3, Ratu Jo said it was important to strengthen the traditiona­l cultures of different ethnic groups at national level.

The minister was also minister for women, social welfare and multi-ethnic affairs.

He said there was a need to maintain peace and political stability in Fiji.

“We should be proud of our achievemen­t as a multi-ethnic community in Fiji by playing an active role in the country’s developmen­t,”

“Our aim should be to continue to work in unity for the betterment of the nation and for our future generation.”

“The distinctiv­e features of Fiji as a multiracia­l and multi-ethnic society and the longstandi­ng need for cultural centres in Fiji cannot be overemphas­ised.”

Ratu Jo said the Indian Culture Centre was to open another centre at Ba on July 17.

“We are in a new era of cultural developmen­t and I am very glad to be closely associated with you all in your endeavours.

“The department of multi-ethnic affairs will continue to provide all possible assistance in the form of grants and other necessary advice and assistance needed by the Fiji Indian Cultural Centres.

“It is said that the soul of our culture is brought out in music, poetry, dance, languages without which we cannot understand the deeper dimensions of our culture.

“The department of multi-ethnic affairs and the Fiji Indian Cultural Centre should be in a position to cater for this.”

Ratu Jo said the shows performed by the Fiji Indian Cultural Centre were of the superior standard.

Students of the cultural centre performed Indian dances and songs as part of the Sitaron ki Shaam cultural night.

 ?? Picture: FT FILE ?? Leena Jit, of the Indian Cultural Centre, led an Indian dance at the Suva Civic Centre on July 3, 1993.
Picture: FT FILE Leena Jit, of the Indian Cultural Centre, led an Indian dance at the Suva Civic Centre on July 3, 1993.
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