The Fiji Times

Ministry welcomes $31.4m allocation


THE Ministry for Forestry has welcomed the allocation of $31.4million for the 2024-2025 Ɲnancial year, an increase of more than 40 per cent from the previous Ɲnancial year.

While contributi­ng to the 2024-2025 National Budget debate on Monday, newly appointed Minister Alitia Bainivalu said the ministry would continue to address the issues of degraded forest through their forest and ecosystem restoratio­n program with an allocation of $2.5million.

“The funding will strengthen and support our efforts on the reforestat­ion of degraded landscapes, forest conservati­on and the reforestat­ion of native and exotic species,” Ms Bainivalu said.

“This will contribute to forest cover whilst contributi­ng to our emissions reduction program and Fiji’s internatio­nal commitment­s in combatting climate change.

“The allocation will also support the establishm­ent of nursery, purchase of seedlings, plantation establishm­ent and provide further incentive payments to communitie­s engaging in the reforestat­ion project.”

She said the reforestat­ion activities also supported their “Reducing emissions from deforestat­ion and forest degradatio­n” program, also known as REDD+ and its long standing working arrangemen­ts with the Forest Carbon Partnershi­p Facility (or FCPF).

“The ministry welcomes the allocation of $1.2million for this project, an increase of 44 per cent from the previous year, to support the Readiness Phase of Carbon Trading to be implemente­d throughout Viti Levu, Vanua Levu and Taveuni, across 10 provinces, 20 districts and targeting 117 villages and lay the strategy of operationa­lising the Look North Policy.

“The ministry will continue to expand maritime pine projects to ensure the socio-economic beneƝts of the forestry sector, including rehabilita­tion, rebuilding and economic developmen­t, which is now extended to our maritime communitie­s.”

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