The Fiji Times

Naitasiri, Nasinu deliver electrifyi­ng match


THE Naitasiri Secondary School U19 team delivered an exceptiona­l performanc­e in their match against Nasinu in the Vodafone Southern Zone Secondary Schools Rugby competitio­n yesterday at Bidesi Park in Suva.

Throughout the game, Naitasiri demonstrat­ed their skill and determinat­ion, to overcome a formidable opponent.

The Ɲrst half saw Naitasiri take the lead, with ƞy half Jese Manuku igniting the scoreboard by scoring the Ɲrst try.

His impressive display of skill, coupled with a remarkable breaking tackle against three Nasinu defenders near the try line, set the tone for the match.

Malakai Qio further extended Naitasiri’s lead in the Ɲrst half with a well-executed try following a scrum attack near the try line, giving Naitasiri a 10-0 advantage at halftime, despite both conversion attempts being missed.

Nasinu staged a comeback in the second half, with number eight Vilimone Vonolagi showcasing his talent with a sensationa­l sidestep and run for a try early on.

However, Naitasiri quickly regained control, with tries from Joeli Ranaqio, Poseci Bune, and Taniela Rakani sealing their victory. Although all conversion attempts were unsuccessf­ul, Naitasiri emerged triumphant with a Ɲnal score of 22-10, securing their spot in the upcoming quarterƝna­ls.

In other matches, U15 Rampur College 3-12 Latter Day Saints, U16 Kalabu Secondary School 10-24 Namosi Secondary School, U14 MBHS 5-8 Nasinu Secondary School, U15 Suva Sangam 10-15, U18 Nasinu Secondary School 32-19 Lomary Secondary School, U18 SGS 21-22 MGM, U18 MBHS 54-14 RT Simione, U17 SGS 8-7 Nasinu, U16 SGS 42-10 Nasinu, U15 Nasinu 0-22 MBHS, U14 SGS 18-25 MGM, U15 Nabua 35-0 SMC, U15 SGS 29-3 CMF, U15 AOGHS 17-24 DHS.

 ?? Picture: JONA KONATACI ?? Naitasiri Secondary School Malakai Qio on the ataack against Nasinu Secondary School during the Southern Zone Rugby Competitio­n at Buckhurst Park yesterday.
Picture: JONA KONATACI Naitasiri Secondary School Malakai Qio on the ataack against Nasinu Secondary School during the Southern Zone Rugby Competitio­n at Buckhurst Park yesterday.

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