The Fiji Times

Tabuya flags gender inequality challenges


FIJI’s political empowermen­t index has been ranked 139th at the Global Gender Gap Report 2024.

Minister for Women, Children and Poverty Alleviatio­n Lynda Tabuya, while speaking at the opening of the PaciƝc Women Leaders Program at the Grand PaciƝc Hotel in Suva on Tuesday, highlighte­d that according to the UN SDG Indicator Dashboard, women hold approximat­ely 25.6 per cent of seats in national parliament­s globally, while Fiji lags behind at a mere 10 per cent.

“Furthermor­e, women’s participat­ion in the formal economy and labour force is signiƝcant­ly lower than that of men, with most working Fijian women engaged in informal employment that lacks job security, provides irregular income, and offers no social protection,” Ms Tabuya said.

“And violence against women and girls is still pervasive, with appallingl­y high rates of sexual violence and other forms of gender-based violence.”

She said HIV/Aids among women was on the rise and cancers of reproducti­ve organs, particular­ly breast and cervical cancer, were the leading causes of death related to non-communicab­le diseases (NCDs) among Fijian women.

“All these challenges are happening against the backdrop of the climate crisis, which poses an enormous threat to our region.

“The climate crisis exacerbate­s gender inequality on a daily basis, disproport­ionately affecting women and girls in all their diversity.

“In this context, I often wonder what it will take for Fiji and our Blue PaciƝc to truly manifest gender equality and achieve the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals.

“Where do we begin this essential transforma­tion? What must we do in Fiji to translate the 54 per cent of university graduates into leadership positions and increased labour force participat­ion.”

Ms Tabuya said the journey towards gender equality requires the active participat­ion of everyone in society – men and women alike.

“By challengin­g existing norms and creating a supportive environmen­t for all, we can ensure that every woman and girl in all diversity has the opportunit­y to thrive and lead.”

 ?? Picture: FIJI GOVERNMENT ?? Ministry of Women, Children and Poverty Alleviatio­n permanent secretary Eseta Nadakuitav­uki, standing front fourth from right, with participan­ts during the Pacific Women Leaders Program at the Grand Pacific Hotel in Suva.
Picture: FIJI GOVERNMENT Ministry of Women, Children and Poverty Alleviatio­n permanent secretary Eseta Nadakuitav­uki, standing front fourth from right, with participan­ts during the Pacific Women Leaders Program at the Grand Pacific Hotel in Suva.

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