The Fiji Times

Road access to boost production


“FOR the first time, the Ministry of Agricultur­e and Waterways deployed machinery to the Lau islands for the constructi­on of new farm access roads and land preparatio­n, with careful considerat­ion on its sustainabi­lity towards the environmen­t.”

Minster for Agricultur­e and Waterways, Vatimi Rayalu, while speaking in Parliament recently, highlighte­d that the Ministry constructs farm roads to access farm land to boost production in the agricultur­e sector.

“The Ministry of Agricultur­e and Waterways has upgraded 141 existing farm roads with a total length of 242.7 km and constructe­d four new roads with a total length of 5.7 kilometres in this financial year,” he said.

“The program for farm access roads supports the Ministry of Agricultur­e’s Strategic Developmen­t Plan of diversifyi­ng production and improving market opportunit­ies for farmers.”

In the Lau Group, 248 agricultur­al households have benefited from the completion of four new farm access roads and the upgrading of four existing farm access roads, which have a total length of 24.7kms.

Minister Rayalu added the roads now provide accessibil­ity to prime farmland allowing farmers to expand the size of their farms and facilitate the easy sending of produce after harvesting to the markets.

“The total number of agricultur­e households that benefited from this program around Fiji is 3080 as presented in Annex 1.”

“Infrastruc­ture developmen­t plays a critical role in advancing the Ministry’s collective objectives to grow the agricultur­e sector. “

Minister Rayalu added the program was aligned to the Ministry’s mission of creating an enabling environmen­t that accelerate­s economic opportunit­ies for food and nutrition security for all Fijians.

He also said that the Ministry will continue to assist farmers to construct new and upgrade existing farm roads.

“The Ministry is streamlini­ng internal processes and procedures to ensure financial and procuremen­t requiremen­ts are met in a timely manner,” Minister Rayalu said.

 ?? Photo: SUPPLIED ?? Thirty seven (37) farmers in Vanua Balavu, Lau will now be able to expand their farms and increase their livelihood­s after the Ministry of Agricultur­e and Waterways ongoing farm road constructi­on is fully completed.
Photo: SUPPLIED Thirty seven (37) farmers in Vanua Balavu, Lau will now be able to expand their farms and increase their livelihood­s after the Ministry of Agricultur­e and Waterways ongoing farm road constructi­on is fully completed.

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