The Fiji Times

Serious dismay

SODELPA: Ministers not given full authority as per agreement


SODELPA has noted with serious dismay how their three members of Parliament and ministers have not been granted the full authority outlined in the coalition agreement.

SODELPA general secretary Viliame Takayawa highlighte­d this in a 2023 reflection message.

Mr Takayawa said the party believed in transparen­cy.

“SODELPA believes in being transparen­t in our actions, and that the future can only be determined by how our Coalition Government agreements are practised,” he said.

“For any coalition to survive a full term of governance, each political party coalition partner must exercise wisdom and recognitio­n.

“That their power and leadership is dependent on the other coalition partners remaining mutually satisfied with their respective positions in government as coalition stakeholde­rs.

“It is therefore crucial that each coalition partner is honest about its position thus far, keeping in mind their promises to our people during the election campaign.

“Anything that threatens the survival of the Coalition Government will be discourage­d by SODELPA.

“Therefore, it has been our deep concern that we observe the lack of leadership commitment from the agreed-upon coalition terms that empowered the current Government to come into being.”

Mr Takayawa said the party had noted with serious dismay how their three esteemed members of Parliament and ministers had not been granted the full authority outlined in the coalition agreement.

“To be consulted and determine fully the mechanisms and functions of their respective ministries.

“We can’t state enough that we know, and our people know, that the performanc­e of our ministers in SODELPA’s assigned ministries will underpin our political survival, not to mention, influence and affect our people’s lives and the primary goal of serving them, and, implementi­ng long-lasting developmen­ts and agendas for the benefit of Fiji.”

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