The Fiji Times

What a gesture


FIJI rugby fans around the world have reached out to Johnny Dyer’s parents, offering them assistance and ensuring that they watched the second Test in comfort.

Dyer, who was named player of the match in the first Test match between Fiji and the All Blacks, has assured fans and his dad that it’ll be another firing performanc­e this weekend.

His dad Tom said many people contacted them after seeing their photos on The Fiji Times website and offered to pay for their Sky television.

“We are touched by the many kind words and offers of help that have come in and it shows that our son has won the hearts of many people,” he said.

“We are very grateful to everyone who have offered to help. Please do know that we are fine even without having Sky connection and we love our spot on the hill because nothing will ever beat the natural surroundin­g and scenery we have up there, sitting under the stars and overlookin­g the sea.

“All we are asking is for all our fans to continue to pray for our team that God will be their strength this weekend.”

Some fans have also offered to get them into town and pay for their accommodat­ion.

“We are good. We love everyone for thinking of us and we will be forever grateful,” Tom said.

“Just make sure we all cheer for our boys this weekend and dei tiko.”

 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED Picture: SERAFINA SILAITOGA ?? Johnny Dyer on attack for Fiji against the All Blacks last week.
Johnny Dyer’s parents Cathy and Tom Dyer at Manuduitag­i Estate in Macuata.
Picture: SUPPLIED Picture: SERAFINA SILAITOGA Johnny Dyer on attack for Fiji against the All Blacks last week. Johnny Dyer’s parents Cathy and Tom Dyer at Manuduitag­i Estate in Macuata.

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