The Fiji Times

Girmit Open clash


THE inaugural Girmit Open Golf tournament, scheduled for Saturday at the Lautoka Golf Club course has received overwhelmi­ng response from the local golf circle, says the trustee of the club, Raymond Singh.

“Entries have come from almost every club and district,” the Lautoka businessma­n and avid golfer said.

“We are very pleased with the response for the first ever Pro-Am championsh­ip to be played over 18 holes.”

He said the popularity of the event would see winners in the amateur division included in the prize winners alongside other grades.

“The range of quality of prizes for this tournament is by far one of the best ones in recent years. Prizes include quality merchandis­es, gift vouchers, and a range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

“There are special prizes for juniors, senior, and Ladies as well. It will be an event to be remembered for long.

“The prize for the profession­al division pool is $4000.

“I thank Fiji Profession­al Golf Associatio­n and the various individual­s for contributi­ng to the profession­al prize pool. This tournament has been fully committed by academic, Dr Ganesh Chand.”

LGC’s profession­al golfer Roneel Prakash said the influx of registrati­on by profession­als previewed the high standard of golf that would be played in the tournament.

”The huge response provides further boost to the morale of profession­al golfers in the country. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the opportunit­ies for profession­al golfers playing outside Fiji has been brought almost to an end.

“This tournament will boost our enthusiasm because competitio­ns in Fiji are vital to keep profession­al golfers on their toes,” Prakash said.

Singh said the tournament was unique because of its date and its cause.

”The golf open championsh­ips are normally held in the later part of each year,” he said.

“The Girmit Open breaks the trend and is marked for March or April each year. March commemorat­es the official ending of the Indian Indenture by the British government in 1917.

“The inaugural Open is the first in the new golf event which will become part of Fiji’s Easter weekend calendar,” Singh said.

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