The Fiji Times

Working together


OVER the past few weeks, I have been exploring a number of habits which can help us be the best we can be. Last week my focus was on the need to put first things first – knowing where you are starting your journey from. Today I am looking at collaborat­ion and teamwork – synergise – understand­ing that none of us are as smart as all of us.

Synergy means combining or working together in order to be more effective. When you do this, you celebrate difference­s (rather than simply tolerating them); you create real teamwork; you work with an open mind and you find new and better ways of doing things.

Synergy happens when a group of people work together to come up with a more effective solution than trying to solve it on their own. It creates a better, higher way to achieve anything.

When you work in harmony with others you value their strengths and learn from them. You get along well with others, including those who are different to you.

When you work well in a team you actively seek out other people’s ideas to solve problems because you know that by teaming up with others you can create better solutions for everyone.

To work in synergy with others requires a high level of humility.

Here are a few tips for building synergy in your lives.

Look for ways to take your ideas, and the ideas of others, and build on them together so that whatever you end up with is considerab­ly greater than if you had tried to do everything yourself.

To do this well you have to be convinced that teamwork is the best way to operate and that everyone must be given the credit for the outcome.

Work hard to combine the strengths of your team – staff, colleagues, customers, suppliers – in a way that will create something that none of you could on your own.

Use inspiratio­nal leadership to get everyone to give the performanc­e of their lives! Encourage meaningful contributi­on and provide support at all times.

Work hard to show how much you respect others and how much you need their contributi­ons.

Remember everyone is an expert at something but not at everything and that includes you!

If you are working with a team then think of the team as an orchestra and you as the conductor. The conductor helps the orchestra create beautiful music, but s/ he does not do it her/himself. The conductor orchestrat­es others to achieve by ensuring they are all in harmony with each other.

If you are working with a team try these four simple actions and work hard to embed them in the culture of your team.

Firstly, play – enjoy being in the team. Show this by your positive body language and facial expression­s. The more you play the more relaxed you become; the more relaxed you become the nicer you are to be around. Then people will want to work with you because they enjoy playing as well.

Secondly, make their day – go out of your way to do something for other people every day. Remember their birthday or their kids' birthdays, thank them for working hard, listen to them and make them feel important in the team. In other words, treat others as you would wish to be treated.

Thirdly, be there for others – put your phone away and communicat­e face to face. Make time for them. Recognise when others need your help and support. Practise empathy and put yourself in their shoes.

Finally, choose your attitude – before you go to work choose a positive attitude, because if you do that your team are far more likely to follow you.

Synergy is a powerful habit to change your lives and to help others change theirs.

“Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.” Helen Keller.

This is the sixth of seven habits of effective people. Next week I will be exploring the final habit that will impact directly on how effective and confident you are.

This will focus on yourselves and the need to keep yourselves sharp and focused — sharpen the saw — preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have–you.

Sharpen the saw keeps you fresh so you can continue to practise the other six habits.

As I discuss each habit, I will give some tips and tools for you to use to practise each one.

I hope you are enjoying this series. It is based on the book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R Covey which is an inspiring read. As always, please contact me if you have an interestin­g story to tell and are happy for it to be told.

■ Breadfruit Consulting (www. breadfruit­ is a Vanuatu-based business providing advice, training, coaching, and mentoring to businesses throughout the Pacific islands. Breadfruit specialise­s in a range of business developmen­t activities including 'business continuity planning and action', helping businesses to survive in a crisis, designing and starting new, sustainabl­e businesses. Contact chris@breadfruit­ or hazel@breadfruit­

 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? Synergy happens when a group of people work together to come up with a more effective solution than trying to solve it on their own.
Picture: SUPPLIED Synergy happens when a group of people work together to come up with a more effective solution than trying to solve it on their own.

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