The Fiji Times

Team Fiji athlete profile


Name: Salome Tabuatalee­i

Age: 59. Village: Wailevu. Province: Macuata

Work: Gym Instructor, USP, Suva

Sport: Va’a. Event: V6 & V12 sprints & marathon. Hobbies: Meeting people, travelling, sailing, cooking, gardening.

Sporting achievemen­ts: 1996 FASANOC Fiji Sportswoma­n of the Year, Va’a: – 2005 to date,

■ 2005 Mini Pacific Games, Palau: 500m Sprint (gold) Marathon (silver); first year with Va’a,

■ 2006 World Sport, NZ, 2009 Mini Pacific Games, Cook Islands: V6 Marathon (bronze), 2010 Woeld Sprintys, NZ

■ 2011 Pacific Games, New Caledonia: marathon (bronze)

■ 2013 Mini Pacific Games, Wallis & Futuna

■ 2014 World Sprints, Brazil – Lone athlete from Fiji

■ 2015 Pacific Games, PNG: Marathon (bronze)

■ 2016 1st World Sprints, Tahiti

■ 2019 World Sprints, NZ

· Athletics – 1998 TO 2003

■ 1993 Mini Games, Vanuatu: 1500m (4 munites.41.35)

■ SUVA: 1500m (4.50.4), 3000m (10minutes.45) 10,000m ■ Noumea: Half Marathon (91.09)

■ 3rd Oceania Toursville: 1500m (4.45.05) (gold medal)

■ Noumea: 3000m 19.17.56 (gold)

■ 1994 2nd Oceania, NZ: 3000m (10.18.7), 1500, (4.46) (bronze)

■ 1995 South Pacific Games, Tahiti: 800m & 4X400m relay (gold); 1500m & 3000 (silver)

■ 1997 Mini Pacific Games, American Samoa: 1500m; 3000m; 5000m; 10,000m.

■ 1999 South Pacific Games, Guam: 1500m (silver); 3000m (gold); 10,000m (gold); Half marathon (gold)

■ 2001 Mini Pacific Games, Norfolk: 1500m (gold); 5000m (gold); 10,000m (gold); Half Marathon (gold)

■ 2003 South Pacific Games, FIJI: Half marathon (bronze); Last year with Athletics How did you get involved in Sports? Through my dad who was a runner himself. Who is your biggest inspiratio­n? My Almighty God

What is your personal goal for the 2019 Pacific Games?

To do my very best and to bring a gold medal because it is my last Pacific Games

 ?? Picture: JOVESA NAISUA ?? Fiji paddling rep Salome Tabuatalei greets President Jioji Konrote after the team Fiji iTatau presentati­on at the State House in Suva last week.
Picture: JOVESA NAISUA Fiji paddling rep Salome Tabuatalei greets President Jioji Konrote after the team Fiji iTatau presentati­on at the State House in Suva last week.

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