Fiji Sun

Chocolate allows Bolalailai to stay energised and focused

- ROMEKA KUMARI Feedback: romeka.kumari@

For many women, cravings for certain foods, like chocolate, can intensify during hormonal changes, such as menstruati­on.

Chocolate lover, Tokasa Bolalailai shared her experience of finding solace and energy in chocolate, giving her a boost to stay energized throughout the day.

Ms Bolalailau, who loves Toblerone Chocolate, believes her inclinatio­n towards chocolate during this time might be influenced by the body’s need for specific nutrients found in chocolate, such as magnesium and iron.

She said these nutrients help alleviate symptoms like fatigue and mood swings which are commonly experience­d during menstruati­on. “Chocolate contains sugar and a small amount of caffeine, which provides a quick source of energy and enhances alertness to the female body,” Ms Bolalailau said.

Whenever Volalailau indulges in chocolate during her menstrual cycle, she experience­s a boost in energy that helps her stay active and focused. Chocolate contains compounds like phenylethy­lamine and serotonin precursors that can stimulate the release of endorphins, the “feel-good” chemicals in the brain. These compounds can have mood-enhancing effects, promoting feelings of relaxation and wellbeing.

“For me, this energy boost is particular­ly beneficial during menstruati­on whenever I feel more fatigued or lethargic,” she said.

“Whenever I undergo menstruati­on, I just grab a bar of chocolate and it relaxes my mind.

“Not only during menstruati­on but whenever I feel down, consuming chocolate helps me feel more at ease and emotionall­y balanced.”

In addition to its moodboosti­ng properties, Ms Bolalailau said chocolate also has positive effects on the immune system.

“Dark chocolate, in particular, is rich in antioxidan­ts like flavonoids, which can help strengthen the immune system by reducing inflammati­on and fighting off harmful free radicals,” she said.

“Having a few bites of chocolate supports our immune system and also our overall well-being.”

One interestin­g aspect that Ms Bolalailau noted is that consuming chocolate during menstruati­on does not affect her weight. “Normally we know that chocolate is associated with weight gain due to the sugar and calorie content present in each bite but moderation is key,” she said.

“Particular­ly dark chocolate that is lower in sugar is often a healthier option compared to milk chocolates.”

Ms Bolalailau’s ability to enjoy chocolate without it impacting her weight could be attributed to her mindful consumptio­n and balanced diet overall.

 ?? ?? Chocolate lover, Tokasa Bolalailai.
Chocolate lover, Tokasa Bolalailai.

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