Fiji Sun

Company launches new product


The organisers of the 2024 Fiji Showcase are prioritisi­ng safety and security this year. For the first time, ferris wheel rides will not be included among the attraction­s available to enjoy at the Showcase, following an incident in 2023 where two teenage girls fell from one.

As investigat­ions into that incident are ongoing, this year’s showcase will feature three alternativ­e rides: a train ride merry-go-round, a tea cup merry-go-round, and a rocket ride.

Mahjabeen Khan, event coordinato­r for Total Event Company, emphasised their collaborat­ion with various partners to ensure a safe and enjoyable event.

“We are working closely with the venue provider, Fiji Sports Council, National Occupation­al Health and Safety (OHS) for certificat­ion, National Fire Authority, Fiji Red Cross, and Bula Ambulance,” she said.

“These services are on site; we have two ambulances at different exits throughout the nine-day event.” Ms Khan also highlighte­d cooperatio­n with the Fiji Police Force to prevent drug-related incidents during the event.

“We have an internal CFL risk team and OHS to manage any flagged security issues. Additional­ly, a team of 35 body-armoured personnel will patrol the venue.”

Upon entering, families will find a kid’s corner where children will receive wristbands with their name and contact number in case they get lost. The event will showcase internatio­nal dance groups such as Mr Mr Australia and locally renowned VOU, along with performanc­es by Paw Patrol and local artists like Young Blood, Kuki, One Crew, and others.

The Showcase began on Friday and will end on Saturday, July 13. Adult tickets are priced at $4, while children’s entry tickets are $3.

Total Energies is filled with excitement after launching its new Excellium formula at the 2024 Fiji Showcase, which started on Friday afternoon.

Dennis Michael Cuaycong, managing director of Total Energies, highlighte­d during the launch that the new formulatio­n is aligned with the company’s mission and ambition to provide more energy with fewer emissions.

“This new formula promises three key benefits: enhanced cleaning power to eliminate 99 per cent of deposits in the engine, anti-wear protection, and anti-corrosion protection,” he stated.

“These features ensure optimal and efficient engine operation, resulting in reduced fuel consumptio­n and extended mileage.”

The new formula was distribute­d to all stations nationwide yesterday.

Mr Cuaycong emphasised that Excellium is their premium fuel brand globally, introduced in Fiji in 2016.

Through this Showcase, they aim to educate and attract their loyal customers with the significan­t benefits of this new formula for their vehicles.

Total Energies will be present at the Vodafone Arena throughout the nine-day event.

 ?? Photo: Beranadeta Nagatalevu ?? Total Energies managing director, Dennis Michael Cuaycong.
Photo: Beranadeta Nagatalevu Total Energies managing director, Dennis Michael Cuaycong.

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