Fiji Sun

Gateway to Technologi­cal Innovation

- For more informatio­n or queries on NTPC short courses, email Feedback: frederica.elbourne@fijisun.

As the global digital landscape continues to evolve, Fiji stands at the forefront of embracing technology to drive growth and sustainabi­lity.

In just the blink of an eye, the National Training and Productivi­ty Centre is ready to launch the 5th National Conference on Informatio­n Technology (NCIT). As we prepare to achieve yet another milestone in the ICT national dialogues and discussion­s, our speakers, participan­ts, stakeholde­rs, and team anticipate curating an event that will surely help shape the future of ICT in the nation and also serve as a benchmarki­ng avenue for our Pacific neighbours. We have scheduled for the 26th - 27th of September at the picturesqu­e Pearl Resort.

The NCIT 2024 promises to be a nexus of ideas, innovation, and collaborat­ion. The NCIT is an annual conference that is now recognized as a National Event. It is the brainchild of the Department of Informatio­n Technology at the National Training and Productivi­ty Centre (NTPC) of Fiji National University. Each year, our team works hard with our esteemed sponsors from local and internatio­nal organisati­ons in an effort to bring innovative ideas to the table to foster operationa­l excellence through revolution­ary innovation, sustainabl­e developmen­t, and good governance.

Building on the success of previous conference­s, the NCIT 2024 serves as a platform for ICT profession­als, academics, vendors, and students to converge and explore the latest trends, solutions, and strategies in the ever-evolving world of technology.

With a theme centred on “Fostering Operationa­l Excellence,” the conference seeks to catalysze transforma­tive change and propel Fiji towards a future driven by technologi­cal prowess and strategic vision.

Reflecting on the journey that led to this momentous occasion, the NCIT has steadily gained prominence as a national event of significan­ce and has also become a substantia­l benchmarki­ng avenue for other ICT critical players in the market to open floors for collaborat­ive discussion­s that allow national developmen­t. Originatin­g from conversati­ons within the NTPC’s Industry Discussion Forums and strategic planning meetings, the conference emerged as a vital initiative to foster collaborat­ion and innovation within Fiji’s ICT ecosystem.

Recognisin­g the need for increased synergy among policymake­rs, ICT profession­als, academia, and industry stakeholde­rs, the NCIT catalyses driving productivi­ty through technologi­cal innovation.

The objectives of the NCIT are clear and ambitious.

Keynote segments featuring distinguis­hed speakers from significan­t sponsors and industry leaders will provide insights into cuttingedg­e technologi­es and emerging trends. Interactiv­e sessions, including formal panel discussion­s and Pacific-style Talanoa sessions, will facilitate engaging dialogue and knowledge exchange.

Moreover, the conference aims to delve into national ICT statistics and strategies, paving the way for informed decision-making and strategic planning.

The success of the NCIT is not merely measured by the caliber of its speakers or the breadth of its topics but by the impact it has on its participan­ts and stakeholde­rs and its applicatio­n to solve real-world issues that affect our region.

As evidenced by the feedback from previous conference­s, satisfacti­on levels have been high, with attendees commending the diversity of speakers, thought-provoking discussion­s, and focus on pertinent issues such as cybersecur­ity. Looking ahead to NCIT 2024, stakeholde­rs have already begun to express their expectatio­ns and suggestion­s for the conference agenda. Topics ranging from artificial intelligen­ce and data analytics to cybersecur­ity and ICT strategic planning have been proposed, reflecting the diverse interests and priorities of the ICT community in Fiji.

As Fiji prepares to host the

5th National Conference on Informatio­n Technology, the stage is set for a transforma­tive journey towards operationa­l excellence, innovation, and sustainabl­e developmen­t. With each passing year, the NCIT reaffirms its commitment to driving positive change and shaping Fiji’s digital future. Stay tuned as we embark on this exhilarati­ng voyage of discovery and progress. Mark your calendars for the NCIT 2024 - a convergenc­e of minds, a celebratio­n of innovation, and a testament to Fiji’s unwavering commitment to harnessing the power of technology for the benefit of all.

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