Fiji Sun

Billionair­es Who Support Trump


Billionair­e megadonors are warming to former US President Donald Trump, helping him catch up with President Joe Biden’s early fundraisin­g lead by donating large sums to support his candidacy after many of them backed Trump’s primary opponents or disavowed him when he left office.

Harold Hamm: The Continenta­l Resources founder and longtime Trump friend—who donated to former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ primary bids—was among the attendees at the now-infamous April Mar-A-Lago dinner with oil executives where Trump reportedly pitched industry-friendly policies while soliciting a US$1 billion (FJ$2.24bn) donation, and in May, Hamm co-hosted a Houston fundraiser for Trump, Reuters reported. (We estimate Hamm is worth US$18.5 billion (FJ$41.49bn))

Timothy Mellon: A longtime Republican mega-donor and top contributo­r to Trump’s 2020 campaign, Mellon is the most prolific donor of the 2024 election cycle, USA Today reported, citing OpenSecret­s data that shows Mellon donated US$25 million (FJ$56.07m) each to super PACs backing both Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (We estimate the Mellon family is worth $14.1 billion (FJ$31.62bn))

Bernie Marcus: The Home depot co-founder gave US$1 million (FJ$2.24m) to Trump’s main super PAC, MAGA Inc, in the second half of 2023, according to Politico, and he co-hosted an Atlanta fundraiser for Trump in April. (We estimate Marcus is worth $9.6 billion (FJ$21.53bn))

Kelcy Warren: After donating to DeSantis’ primary bid, marking a reversal from his support for Trump’s 2020 re-election bid, the Energy Transfer pipeline company founder gave upwards of US$800,000 (FJ$1,794,200) to Trump’s campaign apparatus, the Trump 47 committee, in the first quarter, according to FEC filings, and he and co-hosted the May fundraiser with Hamm. (We estimate Warren is worth US$6 billion (FJ$13.46bn))

Isaac Perlmutter: Former chairman and CEO of Marvel Entertainm­ent and a longtime Trump associate who advised him on Veterans Affairs policies during his first term, Perlmutter and his wife, Laura, made the largest donation, US$10.1 million (FJ$ 22.65m), to a new pro-Trump super PAC, Right for America, in the first quarter. (We estimate Perlmutter is worth $4.3 billion (FJ$9.64bn))

J. Joe Ricketts: Chairman of TD Ameritrade, Ricketts gave the maximum amount, $824,600 (FJ$1,849,371.65), to the Trump 47 Committee. (We estimate Ricketts is worth $4 billion (FJ$8.97bn))

John Paulson: The hedge fund billionair­e—who is reportedly on Trump’s shortlist for treasury secretary if he wins a second term— hosted a $50 million (FJ$112.14m) fundraiser for Trump at his Palm Beach home in April, and co-hosted a Manhattan fundraiser in May with billionair­es Woody Johnson and John Catsimatid­is. (We estimate Paulson is worth $3.5 billion (FJ$7.85bn))

Steve Wynn: Wynn—former casino mogul and Republican National Committee finance chair who was sued by the Justice Department last year for allegedly lobbying Trump on behalf of the Chinese government—was listed as a co-host at Paulson’s Palm Beach fundraiser and donated more than $800,000 (FJ$1,794,200) to Trump 47 during the first quarter of this year. (We estimate Wynn is worth US$3.4 billion (FJ$ 7.63bn))

Geoffrey Palmer: One of Trump’s biggest backers in 2016, the Los Angeles real estate magnate donated

US$1 million (FJ$2.24m) to MAGA Inc, in the second half of 2023, Politico reported, and more than US$80,000 (FJ$1,794,200) to Trump 47 in the first quarter of 2024. (We estimate Palmer is worth $3.1 billion)

Linda McMahon: Donating US$11 million (FJ$24.67m) to support Trump this election cycle, making her his second-largest donor after Mellon, McMahon is the co-founder of World Wrestling Entertainm­ent (WWE), alongside her husband, Vince McMahon. (We estimate Vincent McMahon is worth US$2.9bn)

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