Fiji Sun

PNG Targets Nations Cup


The Papua New Guinea football team is here on a mission to win the OFC Nations


In 2016, when the OFC Men’s Nations Cup was last held, PNG came within a whisker of making history on home soil. After a late Nigel Dabinyaba goal had given them D GUDPDWLF VHPL åQDO YLFWRU\ RYHU Solomon Islands, Flemming Serritslev’s side faced favourites New =HDODQG LQ WKH åQDO DW WKH 6LU -RKQ Guise Stadium in Port Moresby. In front of a passionate home crowd, PNG took the defending champions to penalties, missing out in heartbreak­ing fashion, as the Kiwis clinched the title 4-2. Eight years on and it’s a muchchange­d squad – as well as a new head coach – who will take to the åHOG IRU WKHLU RSHQLQJ PDWFK LQ Suva this weekend against co-hosts Fiji.


Englishman Warren Moon is the man charged with attempting to go one better than 2016 and deliver 31* LWV åUVW HYHU 0HQÖV 1DWLRQV Cup title.

Such an achievemen­t would match that of the women’s side, who are the reigning champions following their successful campaign in 2022, in the very same stadium where Moon’s player will kick-off tomorrow.

There is a wealth of experience in PNG’s squad, with a number of players selected fresh from Hekari United’s OFC Men’s Champions League campaign in Tahiti last month, including Ati Kepo, Yagi Yasasa and Dave Tomare.

The team’s preparatio­n has beneåWHG IURP WKHLU LQYROYHPHQ­W LQ WKH inaugural FIFA series, held earlier this year.

PNG travelled to Sri Lanka, where they played two matches, a 0-0 draw with Sri Lanka before a 4-0 defeat to Central African Republic. Despite not registerin­g a win, it proved valuable experience for the side against teams outside the OFC confederat­ion.


Moon has been happy with his side’s preparatio­n ahead of the big kick-off.

“I think it’s probably been the best in my short time in charge in terms of the players’ physical preparatio­n, getting a squad together- probably closer to the squad we were hoping to pick for the Sri Lanka WULS DQG WKH 3DFLåF *DPHV Ù KH WROG OFC Media.

“We’re really happy with the squad and we’re happy with our physical preparatio­n and now ZHÖUH VSHQGLQJ WKLV åQDO ZHHNHQG leading up to the Fiji match work


PNG has been drawn in Group B, alongside co-hosts Fiji, as well as Tahiti and Samoa in what should be a tightly contested affair. Despite WKH FKDOOHQJH 0RRQ LV FRQåGHQW KLV side can make an impact in Suva. “I think there’s an expectatio­n or a desire in our group that we can be competitiv­e and try and get out the group.

‘Then from there, anything can happen, but you know for us, I think progress will be being super competitiv­e in all three games.

“It’s going to be a tough group and I think it’s going to be all about the GHWDLOV DQG WKH åQH PDUJLQV LQ DOO


With little to choose between the Group B teams, it will come down WR WKH åQH PDUJLQV LQ GHFLGLQJ ZKR ZLOO DGYDQFH WR WKH VHPL åQDO VWDJH in Vanuatu.

“I think you know, that’s what we need to make sure, that when we get the rub of the green, we are switched on and we focus for the full 90 minutes because I feel like LWÖV JRLQJ WR EH UHDOO\ WLJKW Ù KH FRQtinued.

PNG squad:

Goalkeeper­s- Ronald Warisan, Dave Tomare, Vagi Koniel; Defenders5­D\PRQG 'LKR 'DQLHO -RH Felix Komolong, Alwin Komolong, Godfrey Haro, Kolu Kepo, Lennard Atterwell, Kenneth Arah; MidåHOGHUV Solomon Rani, Troy Dobbin, Yagi Yasasa, Le e-Navu Faunt, (PPDQXHO 6LPRQ 3DOD 3DXO -Hthro Yumange, Bruce Tiampo; ForwardsMa­tu Ben, Nathaniel Eddie, Ati Kepo, Tommy Semmy.

––OFC Media


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