Fiji Sun

Israel Denies Strike Near Rafah

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Israel’s military denied striking a tent camp west of Rafah on Tuesday after Gaza health authoritie­s said Israeli tank shelling had killed at least 21 people there, in an area Israel has designated a civilian evacuation zone.

Earlier, defying an appeal from the Internatio­nal Court of Justice, Israeli tanks advanced to the heart of Rafah for the first time after a night of heavy bombardmen­t, while Spain, Ireland and Norway officially recognised a Palestinia­n state, a move that further deepened Israel’s internatio­nal isolation.

The United States, Israel’s closest ally, reiterated its opposition to a major Israeli ground offensive in Rafah but said it did not believe such an operation was under way.

U.S view

Describing the U.S. view of what would constitute a major offensive in Rafah, White House national security spokespers­on John Kirby told reporters that it would involve “large numbers of troops in columns and formations in some sort of coordinate­d maneuver against multiple targets on the ground.” “That is a major ground operation,” Mr Kirby said.

“We have not seen that.”

Two days after an Israeli airstrike on another camp stirred global condemnati­on, Gaza emergency services said four tank shells on Tuesday hit a cluster of tents in Al-Mawasi, a coastal strip Israel designated as an expanded humanitari­an zone where it advised civilians in Rafah to go for safety.

At least 12 of the dead on Tuesday were women, according to medical officials in the Hamas militant-run Palestinia­n enclave.

Israel military

But Israel’s military later said in a statement: “Contrary to the reports from the last few hours, the IDF (Israel Defence Forces) did not strike in the Humanitari­an Area in Al-Mawasi.”

Israel told around one million Palestinia­n

civilians displaced by the almost eight-month-old war to evacuate to Al-Mawasi when it launched its incursion in Rafah in early May.

Many flee

Around that many have fled Rafah since then, the U.N. agency for Palestinia­n refugees UNRWA reported on Tuesday.

In central Rafah, tanks and armoured vehicles mounted with machine guns were spotted near Al-Awda mosque, a city landmark, witnesses told Reuters on Tuesday. The Israeli military said its forces continued to operate in the Rafah area, without commenting on reported advances into the city centre. Internatio­nal unease over Israel’s three-week-old Rafah offensive has turned to outrage after an attack on Sunday set off a blaze in a tent camp in a western district of the city, killing at least 45 people.

Israel said it had targeted two senior Hamas operatives and had not intended to cause civilian casualties.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said the harm to civilians occurred when “something unfortunat­ely went tragically wrong.”

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