Fiji Sun


SERUVAKULA - IT IS THE RESPONSIBI­LITY OF PARENTS TO MAKE SURE THAT THEIR CHILDREN ARE GIVEN STRENGTH TO GUIDE THEM THROUGH …. Ratu Sukuna Day Education and Culture Symposium brings together students from 15 secondary schools around the Central Division

- Beranadeta Nagatalevu Feedback:

The basis of maintainin­g culture begins from home. This was the message from the Great Council of Chief’s (GCC) chairman, Ratu Viliame Seruvakula, during the Ratu Sukuna Day Education and Culture Symposium held at the Holiday Inn, Suva, yesterday.

His message stemmed from the GCC and the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs’ aim of listening to youths and students’ ideas about how culture could be effectivel­y integrated into the school curriculum and how it could strengthen leadership at all levels.

“Ratu Sukuna Day was an exceptiona­l event where we could have this symposium because he was a good example of good visionary leadership,” Ratu Viliame said.

“He achieved significan­t academic success while steadfastl­y maintainin­g his cultural heritage. We want our generation of today and tomorrow to learn about renowned historical figures who helped shaped Fiji’s developmen­t.”

Student representa­tives from 15 secondary schools around the Central Division engaged in a panel discussion during the event.

“Look at those students and their own choice of words as they delve into the problems surroundin­g us now. Brilliant. This is timely. We’ve just came past at the difficult time of our history,” he said.

“It is the responsibi­lity of parents to make sure that their children are given strength to guide them through because by the time they get to the deep waters, they’re able to manoeuvre through.”

During the first round of discussion, Suva Grammar School student, Eliki Baleinakam­a, 18, said there was a need to make vernacular subjects compulsory in schools as acculturat­ion or change was fast becoming prevalent in society.

“There is a lack of cultural grounding because we’re now accustomed to acculturat­ion,” Mr Baleinakam­a said. “While learning to adapt to the diverse world, I make it important that my identity as an indigenous man is maintained because that is who I will identify myself with to the whole world.”

Erini Dumaru of Yat Sen Secondary School made an interestin­g contrast to how she was taught in school.

She believes cultural integratio­n is much needed in the school system. “Coming from Nasilai Village in Rewa, the only time I get to learn and speak about my culture is when I’m with my family,” she said.

“Other than that, I’m always learning about Chinese because that is the one thing our teachers are always pushing us to know and learn every day in school.”

Head of the Sauvaka Culture Consultanc­y and penal moderator, Simione Sevudredre, said this was an interestin­g thought as it raised questions about how much efforts had been placed in the maintenanc­e of vernacular language and culture in the Fijian education system.

“Are we doing enough? I mean China is out there and we are all here. If they’re doing it, why can’t we? What is the problem?” he said.

Ratu Viliame said everything discussed in the symposium would be taken up to the GCC, and the ministry will work together to find solutions to the problems of maintainin­g iTaukei culture.

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 ?? Photo: Ronald Kumar ?? Head of the Sauvaka Culture Consultanc­y and penal moderator, Simione Sevudredre (left), with students during the Ratu Sukuna Day Education and Culture Symposium at the Holiday Inn, Suva, on May 29, 2024.
Photo: Ronald Kumar Head of the Sauvaka Culture Consultanc­y and penal moderator, Simione Sevudredre (left), with students during the Ratu Sukuna Day Education and Culture Symposium at the Holiday Inn, Suva, on May 29, 2024.
 ?? Photo: Ronald Kumar ?? Students during the Ratu Sukuna Day Education and Culture Symposium held at the Holiday Inn, Suva, on May 29, 2024.
Photo: Ronald Kumar Students during the Ratu Sukuna Day Education and Culture Symposium held at the Holiday Inn, Suva, on May 29, 2024.

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