Fiji Sun

Message from IUCN Oceania Regional Director: Embracing the Theme “Be Part of the Plan

- By Leituala Kuiniselan­i Toelupe Tago Source: IUCN Oceania

As we commemorat­e World Biodiversi­ty Day this year, it’s essential to embrace the theme “Be Part of the Plan.”

This theme underscore­s the collective responsibi­lity we all share in safeguardi­ng biodiversi­ty and ensuring a sustainabl­e future for our planet.

“Be Part of the Plan” invites individual­s, communitie­s, government­s, and organizati­ons to actively engage in biodiversi­ty conservati­on efforts.

It recognizes that everyone has a role to play, whether it’s advocating for policy changes, participat­ing in conservati­on projects, or making sustainabl­e choices in our daily lives.

At the Internatio­nal Union for Conservati­on of Nature (IUCN), we wholeheart­edly embrace this theme as it resonates deeply with our mission and values.

We believe that biodiversi­ty conservati­on is not just the responsibi­lity of environmen­talists or policymake­rs but requires the collaborat­ion and commitment of all stakeholde­rs.

The IUCN Oceania, in collaborat­ion with the Biodiversi­ty and Protected Areas Management (BIOPAMA) Programme, stands at the forefront of these efforts, significan­tly advancing conservati­on initiative­s across Oceania and bolstering institutio­nal and technical capacities at regional, national, and site levels.

BIOPAMA’s role is pivotal, facilitati­ng access to crucial data and informatio­n that empower stakeholde­rs to make informed decisions, thereby strengthen­ing conservati­on endeavors.

This collaborat­ive endeavor has led to a notable increase in Protected and Conserved Areas (PCAs), with approximat­ely 17% of terrestria­l

and inland water areas and about 10% of the global ocean now under protection.

Encouragin­g consultati­on and dialogue among stakeholde­rs is paramount for IUCN Oceania.

The organizati­on convenes members to strategize on supporting conservati­on interventi­ons and meeting global targets.

Recognizin­g the holistic nature of conservati­on work, IUCN emphasizes integrated oceans management, climate adaptation through naturebase­d solutions, and environmen­tal law and governance.

IUCN is actively supporting Pacific Island countries in advancing the 30 x 30 agenda, utilizing the State of Protected and Conserved Areas Report to inform policy developmen­t.

While progress has been made, challenges remain, necessitat­ing a rethinking of regional approaches and national efforts to better achieve targets.

Drawing from indigenous wisdom, the journey towards conservati­on success requires internal solutions and collective action.

PCAs play a vital role in biodiversi­ty conservati­on, contributi­ng to climate change mitigation and adaptation while fostering social, economic, and environmen­tal benefits.

IUCN’s global scope encompasse­s terrestria­l, freshwater, coastal, and marine PCAs, reflecting its expanding role over the years.

For over half a century, IUCN and the World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) have led global efforts on PCAs, preserving critical habitats and biodiversi­ty-rich areas crucial for climate adaptation.

Looking ahead, fostering collaborat­ion and leveraging internatio­nal commitment­s are imperative to safeguardi­ng our planet’s biodiversi­ty.

As we celebrate progress on World Biodiversi­ty Day, let us renew our commitment to protecting the rich tapestry of life that sustains us all.

Through collective action and unwavering dedication, we can forge a sustainabl­e and resilient future for generation­s to come.

 ?? ?? IUCN Oceania Regional Director Leituala Kuiniselan­i Toelupe Tago at the Opening of the Protected and Conserved Areas Workshop in Sydney
IUCN Oceania Regional Director Leituala Kuiniselan­i Toelupe Tago at the Opening of the Protected and Conserved Areas Workshop in Sydney

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