Fiji Sun

Questions on HR Productivi­ty on SMEs, Highlighte­d


Now, for micro small and medium enterprise­s, they’re already coping with payroll, overtime, FNPF, tax and VAT complaints, struggles and also for informal sectors, for example, volunteers, PSV drivers, industrial workers and other people Ravitesh Singh, Zens Medical chief executive officer.

Zens Medical chief executive officer, Ravitesh Singh, has questioned how human resources productivi­ty could be reimagined for micro, small and medium enterprise­s (MSME). Mr Singh posed this question during a panel discussion at the Human Resources Institute (FHI) convention at the Sofitel Fiji Resort and Spa in Nadi last week.

“Eighty-four per cent of all enterprise­s come out of the MSMEs, and it contribute­s 21 per cent of the gross domestic product (GDP),” Mr Singh said.

“Now, for micro small and medium enterprise­s, they’re already coping with payroll, overtime, FNPF, tax and VAT complaints, struggles and also for informal sectors, for example, volunteers, PSV drivers, industrial workers and other people. “How can we reimagine HR productivi­ty for them with the knowledge gap, exposure limitation­s, flexibilit­y limitation­s, and importantl­y, funding limitation­s, how do we reimagine productivi­ty for them?” The InterConti­nental Fiji Golf Resort and Spa Human Resources Director Alvin Prasad said that in terms of resources, he understood the complete complexity of the issue.

“For a small or medium enterprise, I think they can still do flexibilit­y in terms of how they set up their ways of working,” he said. “You mentioned very general small and medium enterprise so I’m not really sure what’s their background. Are they manufactur­ing or garment or what?

“So I think it will depend on what are they, what is their background, what their model is.”

He said the Fiji Human Resources Institute was a great platform for the availabili­ty of resources for MSMEs.

“Do they have access to FHI?” he asked.

“Do they have access to big Commerce and Employees Federation? I think there’s so much support out there for small and medium enterprise­s.”

 ?? Photo: Salote Qalubau ?? Zens Medical chief executive officer Ravitesh Singh at the Human Resources Institute (FHI) convention at the Sofitel Fiji Resort and Spa in Nadi on May 17, 2024.
Photo: Salote Qalubau Zens Medical chief executive officer Ravitesh Singh at the Human Resources Institute (FHI) convention at the Sofitel Fiji Resort and Spa in Nadi on May 17, 2024.

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