Fiji Sun

Sharma’s father’s contributi­on helped the Daku sugar area


Deo Dutt Sharma, 88, believes his Girmitiya father’s contributi­on helped to grow the Daku sugarcane producing area, outside Labasa.

His father was an indentured labourer who came from India to work on sugar farms in Fiji during the British rule.

Mr Sharma was part of the medal awardees during the 145th Girmit Celebratio­n in Labasa on Saturday.

Originally from Daku, Nadogo District, Macuata, Mr Sharma said his father came from Uttar Pardesh, India and worked hard when he came to Fiji.

Mr Sharma now resides in Delailabas­a in Labasa.

His father who was a pundit also helped to bring social cohesion among the other Girmitiyas that settled in Daku.

Mr Sharma said he felt proud to be honoured and he said the medal received was for his father.

“His contributi­on has today given me an identity which I always look up to,” he said.

Despite his age and difficulty to walk and hear things properly, he was excited for the Girmit Celebratio­n.

“I believe the young generation must learn the contributi­ons of our ancestors and how they gave us a name to live peaceful in Fiji,” he said.

Son, Praveen Sharma, said he was happy that his father was recognised on behalf of the Girmit. “My father also struggled because they had to work hard to survive in Fiji because we did not possess land in Fiji”.

“My father continues to tale stories of our grandfathe­r and how he persevered to sustain our household,” he reiterated.

“My grandfathe­r went to India to see the location where our household originated from,” he added. aveen Sharma remains hopeful more such functions would be organised in future to tribute the contributi­on of the Girmitiyas in Fiji.

 ?? Photo: Sampras Anand ?? Praveen Sharma with father, Deo Dutt Sharma, 88, during the 145th Girmit Celebratio­n at Subrail Park in Labasa, on May 12, 2024.
Photo: Sampras Anand Praveen Sharma with father, Deo Dutt Sharma, 88, during the 145th Girmit Celebratio­n at Subrail Park in Labasa, on May 12, 2024.
 ?? Photo: Fiji Government ?? Girmit descendant­s proudly wearing their traditiona­l attire before a performanc­e in Labasa.
Photo: Fiji Government Girmit descendant­s proudly wearing their traditiona­l attire before a performanc­e in Labasa.

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