Fiji Sun

Pryde Responds to Qiliho

- Director of Public Prosecutio­ns Christophe­r Pryde

The following is the statement by Director of Public Prosecutio­ns Christophe­r Pryde in response to allegation­s made by Commission­er of Police, BrigadierG­eneral Sitiveni Qiliho, on his decision not to charge National Federation Party Leader, Biman Prasad.

On 8th November 2022, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutio­ns (ODPP) issued a statement that Professor Biman Prasad would not be charged with two counts of indecently annoying a female.

That decision was made following a comprehens­ive review of the evidence in the police docket and any available defences.

In short, it had been decided that there was insufficie­nt reliable and credible evidence in the docket for a reasonable prospect of conviction were the matter to proceed to court.

The Police Commission­er last night (9.11.22) held a media conference in which he made a number of allegation­s about that decision and he sought to impugn my office and me personally by suggesting that the decision not to charge Professor Prasad was made for political reasons.

The Police Commission­er is mistaken about a number of key aspects of the criminal justice system in Fiji and does not appear to understand the respective roles of the police and the ODPP in the criminal justice system.

I therefore wish to clarify the decision-making process and address publicly some of the concerns the Police Commission­er has about this case.

First, the role of the police is to investigat­e complaints received from members of the public.

They take statements from the complainan­t and any other witnesses and use their discretion as to whether they will charge a suspect after they have interviewe­d them. Sometimes they will refer the matter to the ODPP for advice but most times they will make their own decision and file a charge.

The role of the ODPP is to act as gatekeeper to the criminal justice system to ensure that only those cases with a sufficient evidential basis to secure a conviction proceed to court. This is particular­ly the case with matters involving difficult areas of the law or in sensitive or highprofil­e matters.

Often, on request by the police, we will advise the police as to what charges should be laid, if any, or whether the matter should be further investigat­ed.

When a police docket comes into the ODPP, it is allocated to a legal officer who reviews the evidence and writes a legal opinion.

This opinion is then vetted by a manager before the recommenda­tions come up to me as the Director of Public Prosecutio­ns (DPP) for final decision.

Often, defence lawyers will write to us making representa­tions on the evidence, which we also consider before making a decision.

We deal with defence lawyers’ representa­tions on a daily basis. All criminal defence lawyers at some time will have made written representa­tions to the ODPP.

This has been the practice at the ODPP for the past 50 years and is the usual procedure in most common law ODPPs in the world.

Professor Prasad’s case was handled in the same way.

At his press conference, the Police Commission­er suggested that the ordinary Rajesh or Pauliasi would not be given the opportunit­y by the DPP to make representa­tions to the ODPP.

This is factually incorrect. Even when suspects or accused persons are not legally represente­d, we will respond to their representa­tions by immediatel­y calling for the police file to review the charges.

The Police Commission­er will be able to confirm the number of times in a week those requests are made.

In the present case, the Director Summary Prosecutio­ns for the Fiji Police brought the file to the ODPP for an opinion and he was advised to submit the docket formally to the ODPP so that a due and proper assessment could be conducted.

The file was then allocated to a legal officer in the usual way to write a legal opinion. Around the same time, my office received a letter of representa­tion from AK Lawyers, Professor Prasad’s law firm.

The letter was forwarded to the legal officer to consider along with the evidence from the police file.

The legal opinion was then vetted by the manager and the recommenda­tions not to charge were forwarded to me for decision.

I read the legal opinion, the recommenda­tions from the manager, and the representa­tions in the defence lawyer’s letter.

The legal officer and the manager had considered all of the evidence including the credibilit­y of the complainan­t and how her evidence would come out under crossexami­nation.

I agreed with the two legal officers that the evidence the police had obtained did not meet the evidentiar­y threshold and therefore would not be likely to result in a conviction.

Contrary to what the Police Commission­er stated, the ODPP did not seek representa­tions from Professor Prasad’s lawyers.

The representa­tions were sent to me by letter as is the standard practice amongst criminal defence lawyers.

Also mistakenly, the Police Commission­er seems to think it appropriat­e for me to consult the complainan­t but this is not the way the system works. Her evidence was already contained in the police file.

It is not appropriat­e to contact the complainan­t in these circumstan­ces and the only time we would contact the complainan­t would be at a witness conference and with a police officer after charges have been filed.

Therefore, considerin­g the evidence and any available defences, the decision was made to direct the police not to file charges and this was communicat­ed to the Director Summary Prosecutio­ns, as well as formally in writing to the police.

Later in the day I was surprised to receive a call from the Police Commission­er in a very agitated state.

He told me that I had to charge and could not understand why I would not and accused me of making a decision to favour NGOs or some other miscellane­ous human rights groups.

I spent considerab­le time attempting to explain my reasoning to him and why the charges would not succeed.

We cannot ethically file charges in court that are unlikely to succeed due to the lack of evidence on one or more of the essential elements of the offence. It is not our role to throw anything at the court for the court to decide.

It is incumbent upon the ODPP to analyse the evidence carefully so that the courts are not burdened by cases that do not meet the evidential threshold for a reasonable prospect of conviction.

This is the standard test in every comparable jurisdicti­on.

There was nothing irregular in the way in which this matter was handled. The police acted appropriat­ely by investigat­ing the complaint and obtaining statements.

They cautioned the suspect and made a decision to grant him bail to appear in court pending finalisati­on of the charges.

The ODPP, likewise, handled the matter in the usual way respecting the appropriat­e protocols.

At no time was the evidence assessed with regard to politics or the status of the suspect. It is quite extraordin­ary that the Police Commission­er should make such allegation­s unsupporte­d by any evidence.

I categorica­lly reject the unsubstant­iated and defamatory allegation­s made by the Police Commission­er that the decision not to charge was made other than on the sufficienc­y of evidence.

The ODPP are the legal advisors to the police. It is not good enough for the Police Commission­er to conduct what can only be regarded as a selfservin­g trial-by-media where he cuts and pastes parts of the police file for the benefit of the media.

What does he hope to gain from this extraordin­ary display of petulance? This is not a personal matter for me. It is a matter of profession­alism.

The questions for the Police Commission­er now are:

i. Why, given the high-profile nature of the case, did the Police Commission­er not send the file in the usual way to the ODPP for advice and instead bypass the ODPP and make unhelpful and prejudicia­l statements to the media by linking the present case to another unrelated case? and

ii. If the Police Commission­er is not prepared to take legal advice from the ODPP whose role it is to provide legal advice to the police, from whom did he take legal advice?

Unless the Police Commission­er is able to satisfacto­rily answer these questions it is difficult to know how the public can have any confidence in the Police Commission­er to deal with these matters properly.

The public can however be assured that the ODPP will not file cases in court just for the sake of it or to please someone or to send a message.

We will only ever file charges in court that meet our stringent evidential threshold test and on that the public can be assured.

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