Fiji Sun

20,000 youths assisted in Fiji: Bala


More than 20,000 young people in Fiji have been assisted through the Youth Farm Initiative programme since 2019 under the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

This was a statement by the Minister for Youth and Sports Parveen

Bala while ending his three-day tour in the Northern Division on Tuesday.

He handed over a grant to eight youth clubs (Wailevu Tunuloa Youth Club, Nailou Youth Club, Mataniwai Youth Club, Vunisoa Youth Club, Navitu Youth Club, Gumatua Mo Vuabale Youth Club, Wainidrua Youth Club and Caginiveis­au Youth Club) during his visit.

He said when COVID-19 began, many employees were laid off as there were lockdowns and so they returned to their villages.

“The Ministry of Youth and Sports was not just sitting down; we went out to ask the youths what we can do so that they have food on their table,” Mr Bala said.

“Many responded saying they wanted to do farming and need assistance

to start off.”

He told the youths he was happy that they had chosen that type of employment and he wished that their good works continue.

“It has not only provided income for you and your family, but rebuilt food security which was destroyed by two tropical cyclones, Yasa and Ana.”

Navitu Youth Club

The club made up of 30 members received a grant provided in the form of equipment worth approximat­ely $5000 as part of the Income

Generation Project (IGP) under the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Mr Bala handed over equipment such as chainsaws, gasoline generators, circular saws, angle grinders, impact drills and brush cutters to the club at Vatudamu Settlement in Suweni-Wairiki of Cakaudrove on Monday.

The club members are heavily engaged in kava farming and other traditiona­l root crop farming.

It has a three-year project plan, where each member has planted 200 kava plants to harvest and sell by 2023.

 ?? Photo: Ministry of Youth and Sports. ?? Minister for Youth and Sports Parveen Bala with the members of Navitu Youth Club at Vatudamu Settlement in Suweni-Wairiki of Cakaudrove on September 12, 2022.
Photo: Ministry of Youth and Sports. Minister for Youth and Sports Parveen Bala with the members of Navitu Youth Club at Vatudamu Settlement in Suweni-Wairiki of Cakaudrove on September 12, 2022.

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