Fiji Sun

Being An Earlybird is Better For your Mental Health: Study

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Astudy has found early risers’ routines could contribute to them having better mental health than night owls.

The study, published in the Journal of Psychiatri­c Research, found people who go to bed early and wake up before 6am are 25 percent less likely to develop depression. Australian psychologi­st Dr Marny Lishman told the Daily

Mail waking up early can help set people up in a good mood for the day.

“We are actually wired to be awake in the daily light and asleep when it’s dark, but in today’s society we push these natural boundaries and we sleep in way longer than we should, thereby missing out on valuable sunlight, socialisin­g time and hobbies.” Fellow psychologi­st Dr Bailey Bosch says people should make the most of daylight hours. She said the best thing to do was to wake up early so you had time to relax before starting the day. “Waking up early can help you get essential tasks done without the rush but to gain the maximum benefit from rising early, make it a special time where you indulge in peaceful activities that have normally been squeezed out from your hectic, fast-paced day,” she told the Daily Mail.

“Wake up early to give yourself a break from ‘doing’ and just be. It’s harder than it sounds, but the results will be a game-changer for the rest of your day.”

Dr Lishman told the Daily Mail committing to a healthy sleep routine could make all the difference, and recommends people avoid coffee for six hours prior to bed, get outside during the daytime and wind down in low light before bed.

“Ideally people need to get up at the same time every day and go to bed at the same time if you commit to repeating this you reset your circadian rhythm and can create a new healthy habit and contribute to better mental health for yourself.”

Wake up early to give yourself a break from ‘doing’ and just be. It’s harder than it sounds, but the results will be a game-changer for the rest of your day. Dr Bailey Bosch Psychologi­st

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