Fiji Sun



#WhyIDidn’tReport sexual assault?

This popular hashtag on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram is driving conversati­on on why sexual assault often goes unreported, a discussion that has been long overdue.

The hashtag originates from the alleged sexual abuse of US Professor Christine Blasey Ford. According to a report on BBC on September 23, ‘President Trump inadverten­tly spawned the new and trending hashtag after questionin­g why Professor Ford did not report her alleged sexual assault by his Supreme Court nominee when it happened 36 years ago’. Closer to home, someone who has been in the public eye who ran as an independen­t candidate in the 2014 General Election has taken the bold move to use this hashtag to share her story. Roshika Deo revealed on September 24 on her Twitter account that she was first sexually abused at seven years old. She also claimed at 21 years old she was also sexually abused.

She tweeted: “My family told me at 7yrs to forget that it ever happened.He was allowed back in the house. My housemate told me that it was my fault for letting my ex stay over becoz he needed a place to stay for the night.”

Ms Deo who describes herself as a female revolution­ist joins the chorus, of women, children, and men the world-over who are coming out and telling their stories on the social media platforms.

The following is an indepth interview with Ms Deo on her experience and why she has chosen to finally speak about her sexual assault experience.

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