Fiji Sun

Aussie democracy

- Nadi

Australia is the largest island continent in the world and is an economic super power in the South Pacific Nations and I have been following closely their Politics and what has just been unveiled is not new and no surprises indeed.

In 10 years their Prime Minister’s chair has changed hands 10 times and it is a great show of Australian democracy at work, parliament­ary rights and privileges, mature and great politics with very highly qualified parliament­arians within who can qualify to become a Prime Minister at any time to take over the reins. The Opposition National Federation Party and SODELPA party padre, Semesa Karavaki, unnecessar­ily brought into our august house an unwarrante­d vote of no confidence against our PM Voreqe Bainimaram­a last year and it never saw the light of day like their many other illconceiv­ed motions and Bills, they tested their parliament­ary privileges but it backfired and was shameful on their part as it did not work because they were only doing it to discredit our government and its Prime Minister but gained absolutely no mileage from that futile exercise. The FijiFirst Party government and its leadership have very highly qualified politician­s in their midst who are also members of our Cabinet that can become acting Prime Ministers in the absence of both our PM and his Deputy Aiyaz Sayed -Khaiyum.

That is in itself a very strong statement of trust and goodwill which is all about transparen­cy, smart and visionary leadership in compliance with our 2013 Constituti­on, I believe it is positive and it reflects stability which the majority of Fijians will vote for.

Any Fijian can become a politician, Speaker of our Parliament, become our President and Prime Minister for that matter and that is our Fijian democracy. There are power surges and struggles seen in the other opposition parties with absolutely untested leadership which includes some failed politician­s who are joining the fracas.

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