Fiji Sun

Just minimum wage


Frank Shaw, Lami

I refer to Father Kevin Barr’s article ‘Wage Rate’ (F/T 17/2/16). If the basic needs poverty line in Fiji is $4.50 as Father Kevin pointed out then the union should not agree to a national minimum wage rate of $2.32. By doing so they would be betraying the workers of this country.

A Just Minimum Wage Rate (JMW) should of course be at least $4.50 to allow workers to meet their basic needs. (I’am beginning to wonder whether Cyclone Winston was punishment for the new minimum wage rate considerin­g that ‘defrauding labourers of their wages’ is one of the four deadly sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance (James. 5;4). The other three being ‘ Oppression of the poor, will for murder and the sin of Solomon.’

I believe there should be a Wages Support Fund (WSF) set up because some employers may not be able to meet the Just Minimum Wage. Money for this fund should be got from taxes on high income earners. There should also be a maximum wage rate set. Salary paid in excess of this amount should be heavily taxed (90 per cent) and credited to the Wages Support Fund; there should also be a 50 per cent tax levy on all business profits sent out of the country and should also be channelled to Wages Support Fund. Over time this fund can be used to meet a dole system for the unemployed. Workers should be encouraged to buy shares in the company they work for. (Microsoft pays billions of dollars annually to its employees under this scheme.)

If the workers are shareholde­rs in the business they would work more honestly and diligently to ensure the company makes a profit. There would therefore be less industrial str ife.

Finally there are many other companies overseas who are only too willing to invest in Fiji so Government has the upper hand in deciding the wages and conditions of employment for our workers.

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