Times of Eswatini

Malkerns cop shop gets E8m facelift

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MALKERNS - Malkerns Police Station, which had a hazardous sewage system, has received a facelift worth E8 million.

his was reYealed by MicroproMe­cts irector 6ibusiso Mbingo, when 3rime Minister 3M 5ussell lamini toured the police station yesterday.

Mbingo told the 3M that when they were giYen the scope of the proMect, enYironmen­tal department­s were al ready on goYernment’s case regarding the ha ardous sewage system at the police station.

He said they asked companies to refurbish the police station. hese include ,con onstructio­n, which deals with constructi­on and 6potlight (lectrical, for the electrical part of the refurbishm­ent. He said about ( . million was paid to ,con onstructio­n and ( . million was channelled to wards the electrical part of the proMect.

he director said their scope mainly coYered the sewage system, where they installed a new sewer line and septic tanks, new roofing, and redid the floor.


He said they also did plumbing, electrical, fencing and installed a sur Yeillance system. He added that 6wa i reen Yolunteere­d to do landscapin­g for free. ccording to the irector of 6wa i reen, Mary Mardall, the landscapin­g they did could cost about ( . million, including labour.

gain, the director said they also made some changes and additions. )or e ample, he said they conYerted the riminal ,nYestigati­on epart ment , room into a 6tation om mander’s Office and added a toilet.

“We added toilets for the staff be cause the building did not haYe them and a conference room, Mbingo said.

He also said they e tended the courtyard and installed a surYeillan­ce system.

On top of that, he said they added some offices, which they built using containers.

On the other hand, the 3M, who was impressed with the refurbishm­ents, urged MicroproMe­cts to go for strong furniture, which would last goYern ment, as opposed to that with a short lifespan. suggestion was made that Micro proMects should support His MaMesty’s orrectiona­l 6erYices HM 6 ar pentry epartment at Matsapha or rectional 6erYices, as they produce strong furniture and the 3M, who toured the facility recently, supported the idea.

 ?? ?? The PM (R) with Tay Mardall (11) and his mother Mary, who is the Director of Swazi Green, a company which did landscapin­g at Malkerns Police Station for free. They also presented the palm tree to the PM as his gift. (Right) The PM having discussion­s with NATCOM Vusi Manoma Masango, while they were toured the Matsapha Police Academy Motor Vehicle Workshop.
The PM (R) with Tay Mardall (11) and his mother Mary, who is the Director of Swazi Green, a company which did landscapin­g at Malkerns Police Station for free. They also presented the palm tree to the PM as his gift. (Right) The PM having discussion­s with NATCOM Vusi Manoma Masango, while they were toured the Matsapha Police Academy Motor Vehicle Workshop.
 ?? (Pics: Sibusiso Zwane) ?? The new-look Malkerns Police Station, which received a facelift of E8 million The PM, Russell Dlamini toured the police station yesterday.
(Pics: Sibusiso Zwane) The new-look Malkerns Police Station, which received a facelift of E8 million The PM, Russell Dlamini toured the police station yesterday.
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 ?? (Pics: Mthunzi Mdluli) ?? The PM being escorted as he arrives at the police photograph­y and printing centre yesterday. (L) The PM wearing sunglasses yesterday as he visited the Royal Eswatini Police Service’s designated operationa­l pipelines, such as the new camp in Mbabane.
(Pics: Mthunzi Mdluli) The PM being escorted as he arrives at the police photograph­y and printing centre yesterday. (L) The PM wearing sunglasses yesterday as he visited the Royal Eswatini Police Service’s designated operationa­l pipelines, such as the new camp in Mbabane.
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