Times of Eswatini

Limpopo premier congratula­tes Makhadzi


LIMPOPO - Limpopo Premier Dr Phophi Ramathuba has extended heartfelt congratula­tions to musical sensation Makhadzi for her victory at the 2024 BET Awards in the US.

From her humble beginnings in the dusty streets of Ha-Mashamba to the glitzy stage of the BET Awards in Los Angeles, Makhadzi’s journey has been nothing short of inspiring. Her unique sound and dynamic performanc­es have resonated with fans across the globe, earning her a well-deserved place among the music industry’s elite. Makhadzi, whose real name is Ndivhudzan­nyi Ralivhona, won the prestigiou­s Viewers’ Choice: Best New Internatio­nal Act award, a significan­t milestone in her flourishin­g career.

“Congratula­tions Makhadzi! On behalf of the people of the Limpopo Province, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratula­tions to the incredibly talented singer Makhadzi for her well-deserved win of the Viewers’ Choice: Best New Internatio­nal Act at the 2024 BET Awards in Los Angeles, USA,” said the premier on X.

“Makhadzi’s unique and powerful voice, combined with her vibrant energy and undeniable stage presence, has captivated audiences around the world. This prestigiou­s award is a testament to her hard work, dedication, and passion for her craft. We are immensely proud of Makhadzi’s achievemen­t and look forward to witnessing her continued success on the global stage,” said Ramathuba.

The 28-year-old singer performed on Friday at the BET Internatio­nal nominees celebratio­n at the Grammy Museum, wearing a stunning South African flag-inspired red silk gown. The gown featured a large sculptural piece beaded with the colours of the national flag and took Mamello Makha more than 10 days to design and create it.

When receiving the award at the BET red carpet pre-show outside and upon being announced as the winner, Makhadzi lay down on her side on the floor, which is seen as a sign of honour, gratitude and respect in her culture.

 ?? (Image: Dr Phophi Ramathuba/X) ?? Limpopo Premier Dr Phophi Ramathuba was overjoyed at Makhadzi’s BET win.
(Image: Dr Phophi Ramathuba/X) Limpopo Premier Dr Phophi Ramathuba was overjoyed at Makhadzi’s BET win.

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