Times of Eswatini

Congolese assaults wife for allegedly fighting his clients


MANZINI – A 49-year-old Congolese man assaulted his wife for allegedly fighting his clients.

Although the reason for the altercatio­n was unclear, *Sam claimed that the argument that led to him physically assaulting his wife with fists, open hands and kicks several times all over the body, was because she had fought his clients.

The assault reportedly took place at Ngwane Park last Friday.

Sam appeared before Manzini Principal Magistrate Florence Msibi on the charge of contraveni­ng Section 77 (1) (a) of the Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence (SODV) Act 15 of 2018. According to the charge sheet, he intentiona­lly assaulted his wife with fists, open hands and kicks all over her body, causing harm or potential harm to her health or well-being.


Sam chose to represent himself when his right to legal representa­tion was explained and he pleaded guilty to the charge. When explaining the circumstan­ces leading to the offence, he told the court that he hustled to make ends meet. “I am a teacher by profession, but government no longer hires foreigners. I have two children and my wife who I try to provide for fights my clients,” he submitted.

Sam elaborated that recently, last week, he supposedly had a client that his wife fought when he was out of the country. He claimed that his wife called and uttered insulting words towards him. He added that she allegedly also threatened him. Sam mentioned that upon his return to the kingdom, he went to report this to the police and went to his house.

“We had a fight where she called me names (purportedl­y) and I was agitated. I then assaulted her,” he narrated.

In mitigation, he said he was apologetic for his actions, adding that he was a breadwinne­r. He also mentioned that he had to pay rent at the end of the month and his family would suffer.

He was sentenced to three years imprisonme­nt with an option to pay a fine of E7 000.

*Not real name.

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