Times of Eswatini

No one blanket democracy - King


MBABANE – His Majesty King Mswati III told guests at the commemorat­ion of the 248th Independen­ce Day of the United States of America (USA), that there is no one blanket democracy to suit everyone.

The King was represente­d by Prince Lindani, during the event held at the US Embassy, in Ezulwini.

“So, as we work our democracy, let us allow each other to grow on our ethnic principles and foundation, as there is hardly no one blanket democracy that will suit us all in our diversity,” he said.

The King said the constituti­on of every country defines the nation’s origin and the way they want to be led.

“For every nation, independen­ce ushers fundamenta­l human rights to chart their future as an independen­t State, where the citizens can decide the architectu­re of their system of government. Independen­ce is always anchored on the principles of nationhood, custom and culture,” he said.

His Majesty said Eswatini was grateful for the support that the African continent continued to receive from then Government ofAmerica. He saidAfrica was still lagging behind in social and economic developmen­t. He paid tribute to forums such as the America-Africa Summit saying: “They are a good platform where America shares her developmen­t experience­s with members of the African continent.” The King said for the world to realise meaningful developmen­t, Africa

should not be left behind. He acknowledg­ed that Africa was confronted by multiple number of challenges, such as unemployme­nt, poverty, health pandemics among other.

 ?? (Pics: Timothy Simelane) ?? Prince Lindani (2 L), who represente­d the King, with (L-R) Charge D’ Affairs Caitlin Pipe, Minister Pholile Shakantu, Minister Mduduzi Matsebula and Minister Chief Ndlaluhlaz­a Ndwandwe.This was during the US Commemorat­ion of Independen­ce Day at the Embassy in Ezulwini.
(Pics: Timothy Simelane) Prince Lindani (2 L), who represente­d the King, with (L-R) Charge D’ Affairs Caitlin Pipe, Minister Pholile Shakantu, Minister Mduduzi Matsebula and Minister Chief Ndlaluhlaz­a Ndwandwe.This was during the US Commemorat­ion of Independen­ce Day at the Embassy in Ezulwini.
 ?? ?? American citizens, alumni, guests and well-wishers at the event.
American citizens, alumni, guests and well-wishers at the event.

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