Times of Eswatini

PM has no leeway to make personal opinions


The PM’s statement will never be his personal opinion until he calls another press conference for clarificat­ion.


The PM’s comments were just offside If he is sure about incompeten­ce, then he should let them investigat­e.


The PM had valid reasons why he said that he even went further to explain himself. MAYIBONGWE NGWENYA

PM’s statement was totally wrong.


PM stated the reasons for the statement. So what is the fuss about?


I do not understand why people are so stacked on the PM’s statement because it was very clear and harmless, besides he was stating his opinion?


AG Timothy enjoys judge’s privileges

PM was right and that was a personal opinion. LONDIE NKOMONYE

Mashampu Khumalo clarified everything on the AG issue, and no one is at fault, so no one should feel threatened just by an opinion


Privileges are everywhere in public service, but civil servants must not misuse them. Having authority does not mean you are now the authority.


Well kute loke watsi ufuna kususa AG last time I checked. ANDILE SUKU

AG has his privileges, yes. The PM did not cross any line. It’s just a few people and the media who misunderst­ood his statement. MKHULEKO DVUBA

Funduzi report set for PAC deliberati­ons Wednesday

We are now close to the truth, the fact that the distributi­on of medicine to public health will be deliberate­d by the PAC before the end of this week gives us so much hope. FIKILE MASUKU

Hopefully the much-anticipate­d Funduzi report will clarify a lot of things.


Should the AG be linked kulobukhon­yovu be Funduzi, we shall see if he is untouchabl­e or not. MATHOKOZA VILANE

Good work ACC is doing lapha ku Funduzi. Putting an end to corruption.


This was long overdue, but at least before the end of this week the PAC will be deliberati­ng the distributi­on of medicines to public health facilities. SMANGELE GAMA

Pimps target needy UNESWA students

Students should know they are at the university to learn, not to show some fancy lifestyle, plus government provides them with allowances and that money is enough.

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