Times of Eswatini

Teams vote out 16-team league


MBABANE – Not now, but in the 2025/26 season! That was the resolution of 15 out of 26 Board of Governors (BoGs) during the Premier League of Eswatini (PLE) Special Extraordin­ary Assembly held yesterday. The meeting was held at Sigwaca House to consolidat­e resolution­s for adoption during the upcoming elective assembly next month.

Out of the 26 BoGs who attended the meeting, only 11 voted for the immediate implementa­tion of the 16-team league, while two out of the 28 PLE affiliates did not partake in the voting process as they were absent.

The five-member 16-Club Premier League Review Committee had recommende­d, as sanctioned with the duties of this proposal, that such a proposed league would be viable in both Premier League and the National First Division (NFD). It led by Mbabane Highlander­s’ Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Musa Masuku.

According to well-informed sources, the committee said the success of the 16-club leagues will hinge on the organisati­on’s ability to secure resources to cushion match officials and the additional two clubs in each division. The source further said the report suggested two options for the assembly to inform their decision. This was either endorsing it for next season or stating when it would be appropriat­e. As there was no common ground on this aspect, the fate of the league was then decided in the ballot box.

The PLE Prosecutor, Sibusiso Manda, was called to handle the voting, which adopted the 16-clubs league, but for the 2025/26 season. It was said the committee had said if the clubs were to be increased next season, those facing relegation after the finalisati­on of the league would have the opportunit­y to try dodging relegation through playoffs, as both leagues were to increase from 14 to 16 clubs.

However, it was voted to delay execution so that such proposed changes could be included in the rules and regulation­s for next season. It was said the committee admitted to some bit of headache with the NFD, as the proposed changes would leave it a skeleton. With four clubs to be promoted to the top division and four axed, it would then require an addition of six clubs from regional football leagues.


The committee said strong formulas in terms of relegation and promotion would need to be proposed, more especially on how the extra two teams from regions were to be decided, as currently one came from each region. This proposal will then be submitted to Eswatini Football Associatio­n (EFA), which is in charge of the regional football associatio­ns’ leagues.

The source further said EFA would need to motivate Premier League’s changes during FIFA Congress as it also affected regional leagues. As per this decision, PLE is expected to confirm the two clubs that will be relegated this season during the Annual General Assembly (AGM). For now, only one team knows its fate, which is Denver Sundowns. On the other hand, Manzini Wanderers hope to win its protest case against the former to force Moneni Pirates to suffer relegation.

PLE Executive Member (ExCo) Victor Rodrigues, on behalf of Chairman Mark Carmichael, confirmed the latest developmen­ts of the 16 clubs. “The 16-team endorsemen­t didn’t see the light of the day, and it was agreed that let’s continue with the 14 clubs. Maybe, it will be in the 2025/26 season, when we’ll be implementi­ng the new format,” Rodrigues said.

He also expressed happiness about how this matter was put to bed through the voting. Rodrigues said the voting resolved the indifferen­ces among the BoGs that were visible during the presentati­on of the report. He also confirmed the possibilit­y of introducin­g new laws in the NFD. These regulation­s seek to make it mandatory for teams to have at least three under-23 players on the field of play during a match.

 ?? (Pic: Nimrod Hlophe) ?? (L-R) The PLE Season Ticket’s Chairperso­n Sibusiso ‘Scorpion’ Nxumalo, NFD 16-Club Review League Chairperso­n Sithembiso ‘Ngudze’ Mamba and Rangers’ Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Thembinkos­i Hlanze in a discussion after yesterday’s deliberati­ons.
(Pic: Nimrod Hlophe) (L-R) The PLE Season Ticket’s Chairperso­n Sibusiso ‘Scorpion’ Nxumalo, NFD 16-Club Review League Chairperso­n Sithembiso ‘Ngudze’ Mamba and Rangers’ Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Thembinkos­i Hlanze in a discussion after yesterday’s deliberati­ons.

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