Times of Eswatini

I stand by my words – Prince Lonkhokhel­a


MBABANE – “I still stand by my words.”

These sentiments were shared by the Minister of Natural Resources, Prince Lonkhokhel­a, following that the owners of the Mahamba George (PTY) Ltd, who are the registered owners of Portion A of Farm Johanneslo­op No.19, said his recent comments were unfortunat­e.

The farm owners also noted that the minister’s comments were contrary to the rulings of the various tribunals and that of the late former minister.

The minister was asked by this publicatio­n to shed light on the statement made by the Mbondzela farm owner.

He said; “While the owner has full rights and privileges over the farm, which are not disputed by anyone and must be respected by all, I still stand by my statement that the demolition­s were carried out at night, while occupants including children were inside and sleeping with no warning, without a court order nor the presence of the police, is still wrong.”

The prince stated that because the matter was still before Cabinet, he would not comment further.

A statement released by the Mbondzela farm owners said the demolition followed the clear security threat posed by the farm dwellers to life, property and plants on the farm, especially since the said persons demonstrat­ed a clear disrespect and disdain for the rule of law.

They noted that the perpetrate­d acts of violence were directly linked to the squatters and included the burning of structures on the farm, such as a warehouse, rondavel, double storey and other assets.


The residents were said to have continued to vandalise fencing along the farm, water lines and pipes and poured and sprinkled poison on the water supply on the farm, leading to four employees being hospitalis­ed.

These, the farm owners stated were barbaric acts of criminalit­y that no democratic dispensati­on would tolerate and they were hoping that the police would act on them.

According to the farm owners, all the afore-mentioned incidents, including harassment and vandalism, were reported at Gege Police Station, who to date were still investigat­ing and nothing had ever been done despite clear and glaring evidence that the residents were perpetrato­rs of the unfortunat­e incidents. “About 39 cases have been reported, excluding the murder case and assaults,” added the farm owners.

They noted that as law-abiding citizens, they had approached the courts for a variety of injunction­s, some of which were still pending in court.

Also, they mentioned that it was now 14 years since the farm owner had been held to ransom on the farm, with no assistance, yet the residents did as they pleased, to the prejudice of the owner of the farm who desired to develop the farm.

The farm owners added that on May 19, 2024, without any provocatio­n the residents attacked employees on the farm, causing grievous bodily harm, such that one employee was still in critical condition and requiring specialise­d treatment.

To further demonstrat­e the malicious conduct of the residents, the farm owners stated that the latest incident was that of abduction, which has led to the murder of one of the employees at the farm.


Furthermor­e, they noted that the farm was privately owned by Sandile Simelane, who like any other hardworkin­g individual, deserved the right to enjoy the use of his property without interferen­ce.

They said in Eswatini, land acquired through kukhonta or through inheritanc­e from a person who previously held title to the land or through other common law means such as acquisitiv­e prescripti­on.

The farm owners said it was strange that the farm dwellers did not even claim that they acquired the land through the above-explained means.

 ?? (File pics) ?? One of the properties belonging to Mdluli, which was among those demolished at Mbondzela. (INSET) Petros Mdluli and his wife Dorica with their grandchild­ren, who also witnessed the demolition­s.
(File pics) One of the properties belonging to Mdluli, which was among those demolished at Mbondzela. (INSET) Petros Mdluli and his wife Dorica with their grandchild­ren, who also witnessed the demolition­s.
 ?? ?? Minister of Natural Resources and Energy Prince Lonkhokhel­a.
Minister of Natural Resources and Energy Prince Lonkhokhel­a.
 ?? GEGE ?? Gege Inkhundla where Mbondzela Farm is situated.
GEGE Gege Inkhundla where Mbondzela Farm is situated.
 ?? ??

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