Times of Eswatini

Mpolonjeni, Nkoyoyo kombi war brewing

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MBABANE – A simmering dispute between public transport workers servicing the Mpolonjeni and Nkoyoyo routes in Mbabane is causing inconvenie­nce to commuters.

The disagreeme­nt centres on alleged route infringeme­nts, with accusation­s of kombis stealing customers from each other’s designated pick-up and drop-off points.

A Mpolonjeni kombi driver, who wished to remain anonymous, refuted claims that Mpolonjeni kombis deliberate­ly deviate from their designated route to poach customers.


³Our designated route, kaTsela, is separate from the Nkoyoyo route. We have attempted to find an amicable solution, but to no avail. The most straightfo­rward approach would be for Nkoyoyo kombis to refrain from operating in the .aTsela area.”

The driver elaborated ³Nkoyoyo kombis pick up passengers from the rank and transport them to .aTsela, causing delays and prompting the passengers to opt for Oshoek or Mpolonjeni kombis for their reliabilit­y. This naturally leads to conflict with Nkoyoyo kombis, who then chase after these passengers, accusing them of betrayal and urging them to use Mpolonjeni or Oshoek kombis instead,” he claimed.

A Nkoyoyo kombi driver and owner, who also reTuested anonymity, vehemently denied allegation­s of chasing away customers. ³,t’s not true. Why would we chase away the very people who keep our businesses afloat?”

+e proposed a merger between the two kombi operations.

³The disparity in marketing strategies is concerning,” he observed. ³Mpolonjeni conductors use loudspeake­rs to attract customers, making them a more readily available option. This inevitably results in fewer passengers for us. ,t’s dishearten­ing that the ministry Public Works and Transport is aware of the situation, yet appears not to be taking any action.”

The driver concluded by highlighti­ng the financial strain the conflict is causing. ³As of midday, this is only the second kombi to fill up today. We’re operating at a loss. With a daily income of around E300, it’s becoming increasing­ly difficult to support my family.”

Ntokozo Nhlabatsi, a representa­tive of the local kombi associatio­n, acknowledg­ed the ongoing issue. ³We are aware of the conflict,” Nhlabatsi stated. ³While discussion­s have taken place, a resolution remains elusive. Nkoyoyo kombis appear to be the primary instigator­s, encroachin­g on the Mpolonjeni route and picking up passengers designated for Mpolonjeni kombis. This understand­ably leads to friction.”


Nhlabatsi confirmed that the associatio­n has petitioned the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, urging interventi­on, from both the ministry and the police.

³Commuters are suffering due to the non-compliance by some kombi operators,” Nhlabatsi lamented.

The Ministry of Public Works and Transport confirmed the ongoing discussion­s with the 5oad Transporta­tion %oard regarding the dispute.

³This matter is still open and ongoing with the 5oad Transporta­tion %oard. , will make sure to update you with their lasting resolution,” said Sandziso Malinga, Communicat­ions Officer in the ministry.


'eputy Chief Police ,nformation and Communicat­ions Officer Assistant Superinten­dent Nosipho Mnguni, said ³9iolence of any sort is a crime. Whenever there is a dispute and it has been reported to us, we meet and discuss a viable working solution.

³+owever, we, as the police, are simply law enforcers we follow what is expected in the permits issued by the Ministry of Public Works. ,f there is a problem, we meet with the concerned stakeholde­rs and forge a way forward,” Mnguni added.

This incident is not an isolated one. On May 21, 2024, a similar case involving route infringeme­nt and passenger disputes was brought before the Mbabane Magistrate­s Court. *cina 'lamini, a driver servicing the Manzini-Mbabane route, was accused of assaulting Saneliso, a conductor, working on the same route, over a passenger.

This incident underscore­s the escalating nature of such conflicts within the public transport industry.

 ?? ?? One of the Nkoyoyo vehicle waiting to ferry passengers heading to Nkoyoyo. (C) A map showing the route from Mbabane to Nkoyoyo and Mpolonjeni. (R) One of the Mpolonjeni vehicles that transport passengers to Nkoyoyo.
One of the Nkoyoyo vehicle waiting to ferry passengers heading to Nkoyoyo. (C) A map showing the route from Mbabane to Nkoyoyo and Mpolonjeni. (R) One of the Mpolonjeni vehicles that transport passengers to Nkoyoyo.
 ?? (Pics: Gcinile Phungwayo) ?? The Mbabane Rank; a scene of both cooperatio­n and competion.
(Pics: Gcinile Phungwayo) The Mbabane Rank; a scene of both cooperatio­n and competion.
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