Eswatini Daily News

Sphiwo Ndoni to premiere ‘Waze Watsembeka’ visuals

- Stories by Siphesihle Dlamini siphesihle­d@rubiconmed­

TALENTED Sphiwo Ndoni is up to release the visuals for his hit song ‘Waze Watsembeka’.

The music video is scheduled to premiere on YouTube on May 17, 2024, at 7 pm, promising an uplifting and soulstirri­ng experience for viewers. The ‘Waze Watsembeka’ song, which speaks of the unwavering faithfulne­ss of God, holds a special place in Ndoni’s heart.

Reflecting on his journey with faith, he shared, “God’s faithfulne­ss has been a constant presence in my life and the lives of His people. This song is a testament to His enduring love and grace.”

Ndoni revealed the divine inspiratio­n behind the song, recalling a moment of spiritual clarity during a service at GPI church. Despite nearing the end of recording preparatio­ns, he felt compelled by the Holy Spirit to bring ‘Waze Watsembeka’ to life, recognizin­g the power and impact it held.

The singer expressed gratitude for the overwhelmi­ng response to the song, with listeners sharing stories of transforma­tion and blessings.

“The testimonie­s we’ve received are a testament to God’s work through this music. We are truly grateful,” Ndoni remarked.

With the upcoming music video, Ndoni aims to expand the reach of his ministry and touch more lives with his message of hope and faith. “Our goal is to touch hearts and souls through this video, spreading the love of God far and wide,” he emphasized.

Assuring fans of a captivatin­g visual experience, Ndoni encouraged everyone to tune in and share the video with others. “I believe that this video will not only entertain but also inspire and uplift all who watch it. Join us on this journey of faith and blessings,” he concluded.

 ?? ?? ▲ Sphiwo Ndoni.
▲ Sphiwo Ndoni.

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