Eswatini Daily News

Man assaults his girlfriend with a plank!

...Another rapes woman at knifepoint

- By Delisa Thwala

THE Mbabane Magistrate court was of a sad ambiance as two men appeared before Principal Magistrate Fikile Nhlabatsi for contraveni­ng section 77 (1) (a) of the sexual offense and Domestic Violence Act 15/2018.

First to appear was 45-year-old Sipho Sacolo of the Siphocosin­i area under chief Jabhane is said to have on May 11, 2024, near the Siphocosin­i area wrongfully, unlawfully assaulted one Nhloniphil­e Dlamini being girlfriend the accused plank several times all over the body and thus contravene­d the said Act. Sacolo pleaded guilty to the charge and said anger after the couple’s argument overcame him and then he reached for the plank.

A 33-year-old man Ndumiso Nxumalo was arrested and charged with the rape and robbery of a cellphone worth E1 500. He appeared at the Mbabane Magistrate’s Court yesterday.

On the first count, he was charged with contraveni­ng the Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence (SODV) Act in that, on Friday at Nkhanini he intentiona­lly raped the complainan­t without using protection.

According to the charge sheet, the offense was accompanie­d by aggravatin­g factors because the accused did not use protection during the commission of the offense, exposing the victim to the risk of contractin­g sexually transmitte­d infections, including HIV and AIDS. It was alleged that Nxumalo used violence to induce fear in the complainan­t. It was stated that in the event of conviction, his particular­s would be included in the National Register for Sex Offenders.

On his second count, the accused was charged with robbery, in that on Friday he unlawfully took a navy-blue Samsung phone worth El 500.

Nxumalo was accused of threatenin­g the complainan­t that if she refused to give him the items, he would stab her with a knife.

c(oPnd5uc-t defense in court after his legal rights were explained to him.

The magistrate ordered that blood samples be taken from the accused for investigat­ion purposes. The magistrate remanded the accused in custody until May 24, 2024, pending committal at the High Court. He was advised by the court to move his bail applicatio­n to the High Court

In the same court, a Man paid back a complainan­t E12 000 in court, the complainan­t counted the money, and the magistrate ordered him to deposit it into her bank account when the court had adjourned.

The magistrate also ordered the accused to send the outstandin­g E300 to the complainan­t through eWallet. Manana was remanded out of custody until May 22 for continuati­on of the matter. He is said to have committed the offense in April.

Manana, who was represente­d by an attorney, was said to have intentiona­lly misreprese­nted himself to the complainan­t and promised that he would get a house at Malunge Township in the Hhohho region.

Then 38-year-old man, Nkosinathi Manana of Riverview, was arrested and charged with theft by pretenses after he took E12 000 from a woman and promised to get her a house, he was said to have obtained a total of E12 300 in cash from the complainan­t.

During the hearing, the accused asked to compensate her. Manana appeared before Mbabane Magistrate Innocent Motsa on Monday.

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