Eswatini Daily News

SWAGAA to assist women nominees in campaign


THE Eswatini Action Group Against Abuse (SWAGAA) has undertaken to help women nominees in the campaignin­g stage of the election.

This was said by SWAGAA Director Nonhlanhla Dlamini who was reacting to the nomination of women this past weekend and further responding to how the organisati­on will contribute towards the successful participat­ion of women during the elections.

Also speaking in a capacity of a former candidate herself, the Director stated that the organisati­on will ensure that all women nominees are given insight on how to campaign when the period is opened by the Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC).

“Currently we are waiting for EBC to complete their report and share with us the total figure of women nominees after which we will call them to a workshop where will sensitise them on the ways to campaign, in terms of strategies and how to converse with the people they will be addressing,” she said.

She stated that they expect to see women participat­ing fully in the elections until the very end.

Dlamini further applauded the nation for seeing it fit to nominate women as it gives the organisati­on so much joy and has appealed for continued support to ensure that these women end up in parliament.

She stated that SWAGAA will be vigilant in ensuring that women are not abused in any way as they run for office and participat­e in this election process.

“As soon as we receive the report from EBC we will know how many women have been nominated and ensure that we give them the support and assistance that need as they embark on this journey,” she said.

Dlamini stated that this is not an easy journey, especially for a woman.

“It is our wish and prayer that we end up with a lot of women making it in these elections as encouraged by Their Majesties that women be seen growing in numbers in parliament.

Therefore, we will ensure that they are protected, and, in the event, they are in hostile or abusive situations, we will step in to help them where we deem necessary, and we advise them to report to SWAGAA when faced with such,” she said.

In response to steps taken to urge women to fully participat­e and not back down during the elections, Dlamini said it was the organisati­on’s mandate to see women take full charge during this time and exercise their rights to the very end.

“We have also urged them not to pull back when being nominated and be courageous that they too are capable of partaking in the elections to the very end because we need for them to be in parliament, there are issues relating to women when being addressed in parliament will require their input. We will continue to plead that they continue,” Dlamini said.

The Director further urged women nominated in the same constituen­cies to join arms and unite in voting for each other to ensure that whatever the result may be in the end, a woman goes to Parliament.

 ?? ?? ▲SWAGAA Director Nonhlanhla Dlamini.
▲SWAGAA Director Nonhlanhla Dlamini.

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