Cyprus Today

Your Stars

- With Cassandra Nye

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January Feeling restless with a desire for some excitement, Capricorn? You may be looking for activities that give you a thrill and involve a little risk, such as climbing, windsurfin­g or even skateboard­ing. Avoid anything involving money though, as you might lose out. Find yourself falling head over heels? Give yourself some time before you dive in and commit further.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February As warrior Mars opposes restless Uranus, activities at home could disrupt a career or business plan, adding a touch of chaos to matters when you need to get things done. Try to simplify your plans so you don’t have too much on your plate. With a potent Eclipse in your domestic sector, there may be positive news that might impact your ambitions. This time you’ll be glad to hear it.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March You may be drawn to something that promises a fabulous future, and because of this you could be tempted to jump ship and get out of a situation that seems to be cramping your style. If you’re looking for major change, avoid impulsive action. The eclipse encourages you to develop a strategy that takes into account your financial as well as your emotional wellbeing.

Aries 21 March – 20 April It might be wise to simplify your schedule, as with two powerful influences on the go things could change at a moment’s notice. The way to make the best of this is not to rush into anything. A situation may peak or something unexpected can occur, and your first reaction might be to do something to relieve the pressure. Quietly assess matters and you’ll know what to do.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May A relationsh­ip could be very frustratin­g and things can reach boiling point. Acting on the spur of the moment might relieve the pressure temporaril­y, but the outcome may not be what you want. The Lunar Eclipse could bring up many emotions but also be a release. If you need to let off steam or shed a tear it might ease tensions, making it easier to find a wise solution.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June Working too hard? This week the cosmos can inspire you to make a few changes that could leave you with more time to yourself. Midweek your best laid plans may nosedive as disruptive influences push you along a new path. Yet with a potent Eclipse on the cards, it might be time for a reset. Perhaps a shift is needed so you can enjoy a better way of living day-to-day.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July With the emphasis

on your creative zone, this is an opportunit­y to invest energy in your talents and promote your skills. Someone could make you an offer that seems too good to be true. It may be, but wait, as something more suitable can show up. It might not bring the same instant rewards, but it will be better in other ways, and be lucrative over the long term.

Leo 24 July – 23 August This week can bring a breakthrou­gh in your efforts to get your life in balance. If you feel overwhelme­d you may finally decide to speak out, and this could be a turning point. Don’t do anything too hasty though, as it might backfire. The Lunar Eclipse in your career zone suggests you’ll be the winner if you can make positive changes that benefit your family too.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September This week could have some intense qualities, and you might yearn for a taste of freedom and a chance to do your own thing rather than knuckle down and work away. If you want things to be different, then be ready to make changes slowly and steadily. The Eclipse encourages you to branch out and explore new opportunit­ies, and to integrate these gradually into current routines.

Libra 24 September – 23 October While you may be longing for a breakthrou­gh in financial matters, don’t spoil all your hard work by splurging. With Mars opposing Uranus midweek your patience could be short and your desire for instant satisfacti­on great. The Lunar Eclipse a couple of days later might be equally potent. If you can keep a steady head you’ll make the best use of a golden opportunit­y.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November The desire for freedom may inspire you to take a more independen­t course, regardless of what others might think. If your actions are going to disrupt another’s plans, then think carefully before you do anything to upset them. Mind, the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus can highlight the positive. Need to clear the air? Talk about it and a relationsh­ip could change for the better.

Sagittariu­s 23 November – 21 December Feeling frustrated by your lifestyle? With a dynamic but chaotic aspect coming into play, you may be tempted to act on the spur of the moment. Perhaps you just need a break, and if so, including activities that are exciting and different might help. Eager for a new job or keen to start a business? The Eclipse could bring an opportunit­y if you’re ready for a new and dynamic future.

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