Cyprus Today

(BBC2, The Band Wagon


Ophelia (2018) 11.15pm) Premiere Adapted from the novel by Lisa Klein, Ophelia is a romantic drama directed by Claire McCarthy, which rewrites Shakespear­e’s Hamlet from the perspectiv­e of the female protagonis­t. Motherless and poorly treated by her father Polonius (Dominic Mafham), Ophelia (Daisy Ridley) is taken under the motherly wing of Queen Gertrude (Naomi Watts), who installs the innocent as a lady-in-waiting. Ophelia catches the eye of Prince Hamlet (George MacKay) and their flirtation burns fiercely following the death of Hamlet’s father, who is usurped in the queen’s bed by his brother Claudius (Clive Owen). As the prince surrenders his grasp on his sanity, Gertrude becomes an active participan­t in her fate as strong personalit­ies in the royal court compete for supremacy.

(1953) ✰✰✰✰✰ (BBC2, 1.30pm)

It’s directed by Meet Me in St Louis filmmaker Vincente Minnelli, has a script co-written by Singin’ in the Rain scribes Betty Comden and Adolph Green, and stars Fred Astaire — how could the musical The Band Wagon be anything other than a classic? Movie star Tony Hunter (Astaire) fears his career is on the skids, but his friends Lester (Oscar Levant) and Lily (Nanette Fabray) have written the perfect comeback vehicle for him in the form of a lightheart­ed Broadway show. However, when pretentiou­s director Jeffrey Cordova (Jack Buchanan), who sees the comedy as a retelling of the Faust legend, joins the project and casts ballerina Gaby Gerard (Cyd Charisse), Tony fears his big chance is slipping away. The terrific numbers include That’s Entertainm­ent!, Dancing in the Dark and Triplets.

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