South China Morning Post



A court in Istanbul has ordered 15 of 34 people, detained on suspicion of spying for Israel, be held in prison awaiting trial, Turkey’s justice minister said.

The suspects were arrested on Tuesday for allegedly planning to carry out activities that included “reconnaiss­ance” and “pursuing, assaulting and kidnapping” foreign nationals living in Turkey.

Justice Minister Yilmaz Tunc said 26 suspects were referred to the court on a charge of committing “political or military espionage” on behalf of Israeli intelligen­ce. Eleven were released under judicial control conditions and eight were awaiting deportatio­n.

Israel’s foreign intelligen­ce agency Mossad is said to have recruited Palestinia­ns and Syrian nationals inside Turkey as part of the operation against foreigners living in Turkey, state-run Anadolu news agency reported.

The agency cited a prosecutio­n document as saying the operation targeted “Palestinia­n nationals and their families … within the scope of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinia­n conflict”.

One suspect allegedly collected informatio­n about Palestinia­n patients recently transferre­d to Turkey for treatment. Turkey has accepted dozens of Palestinia­n patients from Gaza since the start of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

The suspects were detained in raids on 57 addresses in Istanbul and seven other provinces. Weeks earlier, the head of Israel’s domestic Shin Bet security agency said his organisati­on was prepared to target Hamas anywhere, including in Lebanon, Turkey and Qatar.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned Israel of “serious consequenc­es” if it pressed ahead with its threat to attack Hamas officials on Turkish soil.

Associated Press

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