Shanghai Daily

Star’s Home shines the care of autistic c


Having just woken up from their siesta, a group of young people sat down and waited for snacks in a courtyard where a sweet scent of pomelo flowers lingered.

The yard was exceptiona­lly quiet. While eating, some of them repeatedly drew circles in the air, some tapped their foreheads with their hands.

They are people with autism, often called “children of the stars” in China. The two-story building they live in is called Star’s Home.

“I wanted to build this place into a ‘utopia’ where autistic people can live comfortabl­y,” said Cao Fang, the founder.

Star’s Home is in Jingxia Village, not far from Fuzhou, capital of southeast China’s Fujian Province. It is now home to 21 people with autism, including Cao’s son.

Cao noticed that her son was a little different in 2002.

“He always crumbled every biscuit before eating. No matter how many times I taught him, it was still hard for him to put the biscuit into his mouth,” Cao said.

Like many parents of autistic children, Cao embarked on a thorny road of trying to help her son become “normal.”

She went to Beijing and Hong Kong to learn how to educate autistic children. She tried hard to teach him to read, speak and follow simple social rules. But to her disappoint­ment, her boy’s condition continued to deteriorat­e.

In 2008, her son often screamed with anger and ripped books, and sometimes stopped up all night. It was then that Cao realized she might have been on a wrong path to “cure” her child.

Autism is a neurodevel­opmental disorder that involves difficulti­es with social interactio­n, restricted and repetitive behavior, and a lack of communicat­ion skills. Neither the cause nor cure of the disease is known to doctors.

According to the World Health Organizati­on, about one in every 160 children is autistic on this planet. A report released in 2019 shows that the morbidity rate of autism in China is about 0.7 percent. Among all those with the disease, about 2 million are aged below 12.

“Every autistic individual is different. They are like leaves on a tree — none of them are the same,” said Cao. “These people shouldn’t be trained in a rigid, unified method but be taught according to their own character to help them adapt to adult life.”

She once read an article about Hogeweyk in the Netherland­s — a village designed specifical­ly as a pioneering care facility for elderly people with dementia. All the villagers are patients with severe dementia and staff at the local bakery and markets are geriatric nurses or carers. Residents are made to feel they are leading normal lives with regular household duties.

Drawing inspiratio­n from the idea, Cao opened Star’s Home in July 2018 with six “residents” in the beginning.

“It took me 10 years to finally understand autism,” said Cao, who added that she had given up on the idea of changing her 20-year-old son, but put more energy into building Star’s Home as a place for autistic people to live comfortabl­y. “Merely teaching them to speak and some art skills is not enough to support autistic people to live independen­tly.”

Lu Pinyuan, a resident at Star’s Home, received training on language skills before coming to Star’s Home. He can recite hundreds of poems and even have a simple conversati­on. However, Cao found that the talkative young man could do little more than that. He was even unable to use the toilet.

Now with proper guidance, Lu has mastered some basic survival skills.

Apart from Star’s Home, Cao also built a Star’s Farm and a Star’s Workshop. A nursing home for families of autistic people is also under constructi­on.

Just like Hogeweyk, residents at Star’s Home can work at the farm and workshop and get paid — such work can help develop their social interactio­n abilities.

The residents are also responsibl­e for weeding the farmland and need to help with the cooking. They go for a 5-kilometer hike twice a day, which can help them sleep well at night. Three of the six staff at Star’s Home are special education teachers who help the residents study and form healthy living habits.

Cao’s wish for a “utopia” is coming into a reality.

Lin Baolu, the youngest resident at Star’s Home, weighed just 14 kilograms when he arrived six months’ ago. The 14-year-old always forced himself to vomit after drinking or eating, which made him frail.

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 ??  ?? Cao Fang helps an autistic “resident” with rehabilita­tion exercises at Star’s Home.
Cao Fang helps an autistic “resident” with rehabilita­tion exercises at Star’s Home.
 ??  ?? Autistic children watch TV at Star’s Home in J
Autistic children watch TV at Star’s Home in J

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