Shanghai Daily

Cocktails in the can at London’s jail-themed bar

- Edouard Guihaire

Orange uniforms, gloomy cells and sadistic guards might not sound like the ideal ingredient­s for a fun night out, but “Alcotraz” cocktail bar believes London’s drinkers are ready for some time in the cooler.

“Back against the wall,” a guard barks to a group of 30-somethings celebratin­g a birthday. The guests comply, slipping into orange jumpsuits with numbers sewn on that will become their identity for the next two hours, during which they will be harassed by staff from Alcotraz, a pun on the name of the famous San Francisco prison.

“Hurry up, you’re slow,” shouts the guard as the prisoners are shepherded inside the bar, which consists of a row of small and poorly lit metal-bar cells decorated with graffiti supposedly written by former prisoners.

The concept is the idea of 27-year-old entreprene­ur Sam Shearman.

“Alcotraz is a unique combinatio­n of immersive theater involving actors and also world-class mixology” — the art of cocktail mixing, he said. The bar is inspired by prisons from famous works of fiction, such as “Shawshank Redemption” and “Orange is the New Black.” But Sherman stressed it was not intended to “make a mockery” of the penal system.

Detainees are always under the steely gaze of Alcotraz’s brutal director, CarolAnn Hooks-Johnson, in her long black dress and military boots.

“What am I saying, loser?” she shouts in her Southern drawl at one lag, who made the mistake of ignoring one of her commands.

Repeat offenders face the humiliatio­n of having to kiss the shoes of their fellow prisoners, among other punishment­s.

However, guests are still willing to pay for the ordeal, even dreaming up their criminal past between drinks.

 ??  ?? Guest prepare for a night in the slammer by donning orange prison suits.
Guest prepare for a night in the slammer by donning orange prison suits.
 ??  ?? Guests fill out forms disclosing their crimes before the cell door is slammed shut on their freedom for the night.
Guests fill out forms disclosing their crimes before the cell door is slammed shut on their freedom for the night.
 ??  ?? Prisoners sit in their cells ready to do some time.
Prisoners sit in their cells ready to do some time.

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