Shanghai Daily

VR is new arcade mainstream

- Nicholas Yeo

Gamers wearing headsets and wielding rifles adorned with flashing lights battle a horde of zombies, letting out the occasional terrified shriek.

The virtual reality arcade in Singapore is part of a wave of such venues being opened as backers of the technology seek to shake off teething problems and break into the mainstream. The buzz around virtual reality gaming has seen Taiwan-based HTC, Sony and Facebook-owned Oculus VR battling to woo consumers with a range of headgear.

But it has been slow to really take off, partly due to the hefty price of top-end headsets, beginning at around US$350, and the challenges in setting up complex VR systems at home.

Yet VR arcades, which have been springing up around the world, particular­ly in Asia, are now giving people the chance to try it out more easily and for a fraction of the price.

“Given the complicati­ons of at-home, PC-based VR systems, pay-per-use, location-based entertainm­ent venues can fill the gap,” said Bryan Ma, from Internatio­nal Data Corporatio­n, a consumer technology market research firm, in a recent note on the industry.

Several VR gaming companies have made forays into Singapore, seeing the ultra-modern, affluent city-state that is home to hordes of expatriate­s as a good fit. The zombie fight-out was taking place at a center where participan­ts stalked a room with a black floor and walls.

“I did paintball before, it was quite fun, but I think the whole scene is much more interestin­g here,” said Jack Backx, a 55-year-old from the Netherland­s, who was playing with colleagues on a work day out.

The location is run by VR gaming group Zero Latency, which started in Australia and has expanded to nine countries. It uses “free-roam” VR — where gamers move around in large spaces and are not tethered to computers with cables.

It’s not all intense, shoot-’em-ups — VR group Virtual Room has an outlet in Singapore that transports gamers to scenarios in the prehistori­c period, a medieval castle, ancient Egypt and even a lunar landing.

Asia leads the way

VR arcades have been springing up in other places. China was an early hotbed for VR gaming, while they can also be found in Japan and Australia. Many key industry milestones over the past two years have been in Asia but arcades have appeared elsewhere — London’s first one opened last year while there are also some in the US.

Consumer spending on VR hardware, software and services is expected to more than double from US$2.2 billion in 2017, to US$4.5 billion this year, according to gaming intelligen­ce provider SuperData Research.

For the best-quality experience, it can be relatively expensive — a session in Singapore costs Sg$59 (US$45). “The equipment here is not cheap,” said Simon Ogilvie, executive director of Tomorrow Entertainm­ent, which runs the Zero Latency franchise in Singapore.

Yet the industry faces huge challenges. China offers a cautionary tale — according to IDC, VR arcades have struggled there after expanding too quickly. There have also been warnings that improvemen­ts in home-based technology may eventually lead to VR gaming centers suffering the same fate as traditiona­l arcades that were once filled with Pac-Man and Street Fighter machines.

“The rise and fall of coin-operated videogame arcades in the 1980s suggests that such VR arcades may eventually fade in relevance as home-based computing power and prices fall within mass consumer reach,” said the note from IDC’s Ma.

Rebecca Assice, who runs Virtual Room in Singapore, said, one challenge was getting people interested in the first place as many still did not know about the arcades.

“VR is still a really new industry,” she said.

“A lot of people just don’t know this sort of activity exists.”

 ??  ?? A group of gamers wearing virtual reality headsets at Zero Latency Singapore prepare to do battle with a horde of zombies. — AFP
A group of gamers wearing virtual reality headsets at Zero Latency Singapore prepare to do battle with a horde of zombies. — AFP
 ??  ?? A gamer wears a virtual reality headset at Zero Latency Singapore, where gamers wield rifles adorned with flashing lights and battle a horde of zombies. The virtual reality backers want to break into the mainstream. — AFP
A gamer wears a virtual reality headset at Zero Latency Singapore, where gamers wield rifles adorned with flashing lights and battle a horde of zombies. The virtual reality backers want to break into the mainstream. — AFP

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