Shanghai Daily

Trade war fears rattle American soybean farmers

- (Xinhua)

SOYBEAN farmers in Iowa are concerned about a possible trade war between the United States and China, which will see no winner, according to an Iowa Soybean Associatio­n official.

Last Thursday, US President Donald Trump signed a memorandum that could impose tariffs on imports of up to US$60 billion from China, the latest unilateral move that is likely to cause trade retaliatio­n.

“We were disappoint­ed to see that these actions have been taken. Of course we did not want to see any kind of trade disruption­s,” Grant Kimberly, marketing director of ISA said.

Global soybean imports are likely to reach 151 million tons this year, of which China will import 97 million, or 64 percent, according to Peter Meyer, senior director of agricultur­al analytics at S&P Global Platts.

The US provides close to 60 percent of the global soybean production and Iowa supplies approximat­ely 39 percent of China’s soybean needs.

“China is our No. 1 and most important market. It’s a market that the US soybean industry has been working in and been involved with for over 35 years when ... (it) first establishe­d an office in China back in the 1980s,” Kimberly said.

China is also the second-largest purchaser of US pork.

A retaliator­y tariff on US agricultur­al products would hurt American farmers at a time they are already struggling financiall­y. Earnings are expected to fall 6.7 percent this year to US$59.5 billion, the Department of Agricultur­e projects. It would be about half of the nation’s 2013 record high earnings.

“US farmers would be very concerned that a trade war would be a negative. It would reduce prices (for) farmers. We’re already in a downturn in the US agricultur­e economy. So that would make things worse,” Kimberly said.

The ISA official thinks the import tariffs announced by the Trump administra­tion would dent the US agricultur­al market, and domestic soybean prices could suffer the most.

“It already has a negative impact. We’ve already noticed that soybean prices have dropped from where they were about a month ago, that’s partially due to trade war fears,” he said.

The official said farmers will soon go to the field as the spring planting season starts. If prices remain weak, that might influence the types of crops they would grow. “They may choose to not grow as many soybean acres if the prices are not looking as positive long term,” he pointed out

Iowa and US agricultur­al officials have long warned the White House about the negative implicatio­ns for the soybean industry if sanctions and tariffs are imposed. In just five years, US farm income has declined 50 percent while crop prices have dropped 40 percent.

The Chinese embassy in the US said “any disputes and difference­s between the two countries should be solved through dialogue and consultati­on.”

The Chinese ambassador to the US, Cui Tiankai, said that there is great potential for China-US cooperatio­n “but the key is that both sides have to take a cooperativ­e and constructi­ve approach; a confrontat­ional one will not help anybody.”

 ??  ?? Grant Kimberly, marketing director of the Iowa Soybean Associatio­n in the US
Grant Kimberly, marketing director of the Iowa Soybean Associatio­n in the US

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