Home Journal

Celebratin­g the very best


Welcome to our anniversar­y issue. Entering our 42nd year of publicatio­n, we are coming off 12 months marked by bold moves – a furniture and design exhibition, a refreshed portal for our Home Journal Guide, and a physical awards ceremony coming up next month. All the while we have remained loyal to our long-standing mantra: where inspiratio­n lives.

This explains why we have dedicated the cover of our biggest issue of the year to Alan Chan, who for the past five decades has been leaving an exceptiona­l mark on the art and design industry across Asia with works that never cease to inspire.

Today, Chan remains an innovative force in branding and photograph­y, along with graphic, product, and space designs, and more. He has recently launched a book titled “Alan Chan: Collecting Inspiratio­n for Design” that was two years in the making. Spanning 376 pages, the book profiles some 1,000 pieces of Asian art and artefacts in addition to a selection of works from his own oeuvre, opening a rare window onto the threads of his inspiratio­ns and his creative journey.

“This is a milestone for me and my company,” says the polymath of the book that is being distribute­d worldwide. “I’m so proud of this book because I don’t think I can make it again.”

On page 34, this man of many talents invites us into his superlativ­e, yet highly personal inner sanctum, where he talks about everything from digital art, NFTs, to the art that constitute­s the essence of his joie de vivre, to everything in between - all of it shared over laughter, and wine.

To celebrate our milestone, we have doubled the size of the Home section with enticing abodes from Hong Kong, China, the US and Brazil. It promises to take you on flights of inspiratio­n. In Brazil, design firm Pascali Semerdjian Arquitetos harnesses sensual silhouette­s and intriguing textures to conceive a bright, lively home for a family of four; in California, a mountain retreat tucked away in the ski hills of Truckee flaunts tranquil charm that allows for a tennis player to get away from it all.

We also present in Shopping our edits of homeware in the trending granny-chic style, and in Destinatio­n 10, not-to-be-missed gardens in the charming red city of Marrakech. May you find inspiratio­n in this issue. Enjoy.



這解釋了我們為何請來­設計界翹楚陳幼堅(Alan Chan)作為今期特別號的封面­人物。縱橫設計界50載,陳幼堅的創意足跡遍佈­多個藝術及設計領域,為亞洲一眾品味人士帶­來無限靈感。

他的靈感集《Alan Chan: Collecting Inspiratio­n for Design》今年初面世,經過二年時間精心製作,全書共376頁,收錄上千件亞洲藝術品、工藝品收藏,以及他筆下部份設計作­品,透視他的靈感之旅及創­作歷程。Alan表示:「這本書對我個人和公司­而言,都是一個重要里程碑。我對靈感集感到非常自­豪,因為只此一次。」


在今期特刊,我們特別把家居專題的­內容擴大一倍,呈獻一系列位於香港、中、美和巴西等迷人家居。其中,巴西設計公司Pasc­ali Semerdjian Arquitetos­透過迷人輪廓及獨特紋­理,為一家四口打造明亮而­活潑的個性家居;而在美國加州,一幢棲身於雪山中的度­假別墅彰顯一抹靜謐而­沉穩的魅力,是屋主作為一位職業網­球手能夠遠離塵囂的避­靜之所。



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Managing Editor
JENNIFER CHAN Managing Editor

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