Global Times

EU, China cannot undergo green transition alone: EU official

- By Yin Yeping

There are high complement­arities between the EU and China since both sides are impacted by climate change and both have clear targets to pursue in the green transition, Vicky Pollard, head of the Unit in the European Commission’s Directorat­e General for Climate Action, told the Global Times in an exclusive interview on Thursday.

Chinese experts said that the remarks set a rare and positive tone from the EU side in seeking more cooperatio­n with China against the backdrop of the intensifie­d probe targeting Chinese newenergy products. They also said that in order to facilitate their green transition, the EU needs to put more words into action by looking at cooperatio­n rather than competitio­n with China in the field.

The EU and China have much more to cooperate on in the green economy, said Pollard, noting that it also makes economic sense for the EU and China to cooperate for the green transition.

Talking about the cooperatio­n that have been made between China and the EU in green transition, Pollard told the Global Times that there are many things both EU and China have discussed and have been working on, including emission trading.

“We also share experience­s and seek cooperatio­n on our respective domestic frameworks to ensure deployment of innovative solutions to ensure we meet our commitment to tackle climate change, and we make sure that those commitment­s are achieved in the most cost-effective ways,” Pollard said.

While climate change is a global problem, Pollard said that “by acting together, we can do so at a lower cost and faster provided there is a level playing field. It’s also about more dialogue and learning from each other to develop good policies.”

Green transition is a common goal for China and the EU. The EU needs China’s affordable green products, while China needs the EU’s large market, a win-win situation, Chinese experts said.

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