Global Times

Shenzhen starts trial for HK detainees’ illegal border crossing

- By Chen Qingqing

Shenzhen’s Yantian District People’s Court opened the trial of 10 Hong Kong residents who were detained in August for illegally entering Chinese mainland waters, with the court hearing the public prosecutio­n’s opinions as well as the suspects’ defense. It will announce the sentencing another day, the court said on Monday.

Their cases have been hyped up by antigovern­ment forces in Hong Kong and Western politician­s questionin­g the legitimacy of law enforcemen­t in China. However, the Chinese authoritie­s, without being interfered upon by “external noise,” have been pushing forward legal procedures in line with Chinese laws, no matter how hard some countries like the US have tried to interfere with China’s judicial sovereignt­y, according to legal experts.

Journalist­s and relatives of the suspects attended the trial. The 10 suspects pleaded guilty in court in the hope of getting lesser punishment, Hong Kong- based wenweipo. com reported.

The Chinese mainland Coast Guard arrested 12 Hong Kong people suspected of illegally crossing the border in August. Shenzhen prosecutor­s charged two of the 12 Hong Kong residents with organizing an illegal border crossing and eight others for illegally crossing the border on December 16. As two suspects are under age 18, as minors, their trial will not be open to the public.

As the trial began, the US Embassy in China called on the Chinese authoritie­s to immediatel­y release the 12 and permit them to leave, Reuters said, citing a statement the embassy released on Monday.

“The US has not stopped pressuring China on Hong Kong- related affairs, trying to tell existing secessioni­st forces in Hong Kong that they are supported by external forces,” Li Xiaobing, an expert on Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan affairs from Nankai University in Tianjin, told the Global Times on Monday.

However, no matter how hard the US tries to make a fuss over this matter, such ill- intentione­d moves have no impact on the decisive moves from the Chinese government in safeguardi­ng its sovereignt­y, security and developmen­t interests, Li noted.

In spite of noise made by countries like the US, Chinese authoritie­s have been conducting the case step by step, some experts said, as charges relevant to illegally crossing the border could lead to sentences up to seven years.

“China handles a large amount of criminal cases every year, would the US government be able to meddle in them one after another?” Li asked.

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