Global Times

China to detail first 100 days of viral fight

Whole-country response key to restart social life and economic activities

- By Wang Qi

The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) plans to make public a summary of their anti-epidemic experience since COVID-19 first emerged in December 2019, the Global Times has learned.

Chinese observers believe that China’s successful experience against the novel coronaviru­s could be useful for the world as a whole, especially for the US. The world’s largest economy currently has the largest tally of COVID-19 cases and record numbers of new cases in the past couple of weeks due to lax approaches toward the pandemic.

Jointly produced by a dozen experts including Gao Fu, director of the China CDC and its chief epidemiolo­gist Wu Zunyou, the paper describes the emergence of the pandemic, details the first 100 days of China’s response in phase 1 of its containmen­t strategy, followed by phase 2 containmen­t, and briefly highlights areas of focus for the future.

The paper is still in the process of being published online. The Global Times obtained a copy from the China CDC on Tuesday.

China CDC experts in the paper noted that specific, simple and pragmatic strategies have been used in China for risk assessment, prioritiza­tion, and deployment of resources. Details of implementa­tion at different risk levels are shared in the paper.

The involvemen­t of society in mounting a whole-country response and challenges experience­d with logistics and supply chains are described in the paper. Methods and approaches China is employing to cautiously restart social life and economic activities are also outlined.

Wu told the Global Times on Wednesday that China’s systematic measures worked well once again in curbing the latest resurgence that originated in Beijing’s Xinfadi wholesale food market. Wu described Beijing’s measures as being “fast, accurate and powerful,” in terms of cutting the chain of transmissi­on.

As for the global pandemic, Wu said that it is clear that COVID-19 will not quickly disappear like SARS. As long as the epidemic is not contained in any country, it will pose a threat of a domestic resurgence. He said that Chinese experts are continuing to explore new paths to contain epidemic.

Some observers said that despite different national conditions, China’s experience in balancing economic resumption and ensuring people’s livelihood­s can be a lesson for other countries, especially the US.

Beijing announced zero new cases on Tuesday, with high and medium risk regions decreased to 19.

CDC experts have announced that the resurgence in Beijing was basically contained.

The US reported 50,940 new cases on Tuesday, bringing the total number to over 2.93 million. Over 130,000 have died. The US has seen a daily rise in cases of over 33,000 for 16 consecutiv­e days since June 23, alongside with the continued social unrest.

The key to balancing China’s epidemic prevention and work resumption is public cooperatio­n in strict prevention and control strategies and rapid testing ability, Wang Peiyu, deputy head of Peking University’s School of Public Health, said on Wednesday.

However, he noted that it is difficult to achieve in the US as lax approaches have become a chronic problem.

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