Global Times

Animal lovers act in time of crisis

- By Ji Yuqiao

Although China is seeing the ongoing spread of the deadly novel coronaviru­s, Chinese people still do not forget animals that need to be taken care of.

More than 40,000 black-headed seagulls fly to Kunming, Southwest China’s Yunnan Province from Siberia to spend the winter. To ensure these seagulls can safely pass the cold weather, Kunming authoritie­s have organized staff members to feed the birds twice a day since January 26, Xinhua reported.

In a video posted by Xinhua, a staff member wearing a mask stands among huge amounts of seagulls and throws food to these birds beside a lake.

Qinhu National Wetland Park in East China’s Jiangsu Province is also trying to protect the health and safety of wild animals in the park, according to its official website.

The staff members of the park disinfect the breeding areas of elks and waterfowl twice a day, feed animals on antibacter­ial drugs and have increased their food supply.

The park’s monitoring staff made a total of 72 inspection tours with a distance of more than 650 kilometers on February 3. No abnormal death of wild animals and migratory birds had been found, and no animals in the park were infected with novel coronaviru­s after inspecting 2,292 wild animals.

Animals living at zoos in China have also been taken care of well.

Wuhan Zoo had food troubles and sought help on Sina Weibo on February 1, saying that quarantine brought great difficulti­es to the zoo’s food supply.

After the zoo sent distress signal to the public, it has received many donations of food. Alibaba’s Freshippo Stores Hema Fresh sent 700 kilograms of loaches to the zoo.

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