Global Times

US withdrawal from Paris Agreement shows it is an untrustwor­thy partner

- By Li Haidong

The Trump administra­tion has formally notified the United Nations (UN) that the US is withdrawin­g from the Paris Agreement, marking the first formal step in a one-year process to exit the global pact to fight climate change.

The Trump administra­tion has five main considerat­ions on quitting the agreement.

First, although global warming is generally recognized by most scientists in the world, Trump thinks that climate change is a pseudoscie­nce and does not believe in such a reality.

Second, the US government thinks the Paris Agreement is an unfair treaty. The pact puts forward the principle of “common but differenti­ated responsibi­lities and respective capabiliti­es,” which requires developed countries to provide more contributi­ons, such as technical and financial support, to developing countries. Trump thinks this agreement takes advantage of the US.

Third, the withdrawal is supported by powerful domestic lobbying groups in the US, such as oil and fossil fuel groups, which have strong influence on the Trump administra­tion.

Fourth, this is also the result of the struggle between major political parties in the US. While the Democratic Party has been actively advocating for climate change agreements, the Republican­s have been relatively muted on this issue.

Last, emerging powers, such as China and India, are gaining greater leadership in the context of global climate change.

The US believes that it has been restrained by these countries and has lost its “freedom of movement.”

The US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, which is an essential treaty for the sake of the environmen­t and all of humanity, will undoubtedl­y damage its national image, particular­ly given the fact that many of its allies, such as France, are advocating for the climate accord.

More than 190 countries have adopted the Paris Agreement, but only the US, a major emitter of carbon dioxide and also one of the major countries that cause climate change, has rejected it.

Aside for the Paris Agreement, the US has also pulled out of other internatio­nal organizati­ons, including the UN Human Rights Council, UNESCO, and the Intermedia­te-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty between the US and Russia.

The retreat from those organizati­ons and agreements demonstrat­es the US is not a trustworth­y partner and allows the world to observe US unilateral­ism and its arbitrary, irresponsi­ble and hegemonic image.

Although the Trump administra­tion has filed paperwork to withdraw the US from the Paris Agreement, the majority of US society share a different opinion on the issue of climate change.

A 2018 survey by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communicat­ion found that 77 percent of Americans believed the US should remain in the Paris Agreement, including 60 percent of Republican­s. Among registered voters, 66 percent said they opposed Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris deal.

In addition, the State Department’s letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres sets the process of withdrawal to be complete one day after the 2020 US presidenti­al election, and the top Democratic presidenti­al contenders have promised to re-engage in the accord if they win.

Actually, former US president Barack Obama signed to join the Paris Agreement in 2016, but the US Congress did not approve it, reflecting the complicate­d decision-making process of the country. Even if the Democratic Party comes to power, the US Congress will impose restrictio­ns on its decision to join the agreement as well.

The US polity determines the uncertaint­y and unpredicta­bility of its foreign policies, some of which are increasing­ly outdated on certain internatio­nal issues.

Contrary to the US, China’s policies on global issues have always been committed and sustained.

China should strengthen its own mechanisms to deal with climate change, such as taxing carbon emissions and strengthen­ing cooperatio­n with other countries under the UN framework, to establish the image of a major responsibl­e and reliable country.

The author is professor at the Institute of Internatio­nal Relations, China Foreign Affairs University. opinion@globaltime­

 ?? Illustrati­on: Liu Rui/GT ??
Illustrati­on: Liu Rui/GT

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